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Sweet Subterfuge novel by Trina Duo novel Chapter 310

Chapter 310 

Thanks to Ruby, Larissa’s vacation was extended indefinitely. Fortunately, Kevan never brought Ruby back again

Larissa did not like sitting idle. Being cooped up at home at day, she had nothing to de except watch TV and play with her phone, which made her extremely restless

Thankfully, Welet was kind enough to bring Larissa downstairs for a walk occasionally when the weather allowed it instead of allowing her to suffocate at home

On a particular day. Violet took her to the park downstars after lunch. The park was filled with elderly people who had taken their children out for some test air. There was hardly anyone Larissa’s age

As they cher ran into each other Violet had become acquainted with them and would chat with them when they sat together

Is she your daughter?asked a woman next to Violet pointing at Larissa

Grinning. Violet answered, She’s my daughterinlaw, as dear to me as my daughter,” 

Her words brought Larissa more warmth than the sunlight did

Oh. I see,the woman said, nodding as she continued to make small talk with Violet

Ten minutes later, a little girl in a pink jacket rushed over to the woman, panting heavily and shouting, Grandma, I’m thirsty!” 

The women quickly opened a thermos and handed it to her, reminding her. It’s still hat, drink slowly!” 

After drinking the water, the little girl rushed off, swift as the wind, retuming to her friends to climb a structure in the center of the park

The woman kept a close eye on her until she safely reached the top, then she put the thermos back in her bag

Violet asked. You’re taking care of her?” 

The woman eplied. Yes, her parents are very busy and often have to travel out of town. They hardly have time to take care of the child. Although we hired a nanny at home, you know, recently there have been news reports about rannies abusing children! So. I must take care of her. However, since she’s mostly at preschool from Monday to Friday where teachers would look after her, it’s only on weekends that I get a litte tired.” 

Oh, I see.Violet nodded her head, looking at the children playing and trollicking not far away, full of my and longing. It must be fun with a child at home,right?” 

Oh my goodness! The woman made a bitter face and waved her hand. It’s too rowdy! Let me tell you, this one in our family has boundless energy. She wreaks havoc at home all day long! If her parents arent at home, she can play until 11 or 12 pm before going to sleep! really can’t control her! But — 

She looked at her granddaughter who was playing with a gare full of adoration. When she goes to kindergarten on weekdays, something feels missing at home. I feel particularly uneasy.

1see.Violet pursed her lips, sneakily glancing at Larissa without saying a word

Noticing that, the woman asked. Your son and daughterinlaw haven’t had a child yet?” 

That’s right violet smiled. They just got maried, it’s not time for them to have a child yel.” 

Seize the opportunity! The woman palted Larissa’s shoulder, speaking earnestly. While you’re still young, have a child as soon as possible, young lady! You’re in good health now, so the recovery will be short and you’ll suffer less. Unmantled and chudless women tend to face more discrimination they face in the workplace the older they gel. Once you’re manied and have children, itll be easier for you to find a job in the future,” 

Her words made sense. They were much more acceptable to Larissa than the way Travisparents pressured her to have a child for the sake of continuing the family line

Alas, she had already made up her mind long ago Smiling shyly, she remained quiet 


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