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Sweet Subterfuge novel by Trina Duo novel Chapter 318

Chapter 319
She opened the refrigerator to take out some eaus, and looked inside for a while before suddenly asking Larissa. “Did you Trish eating the cake you made yesterday?”
“No?” Larissa wheeled herself over in her wheelchair. Tonly ate a small slice and put the rest in the refrigerator, Kevan did not have dinner
shen he came back at night, so he probably ale some ”
“Then where’s the rest? Wolet corned the refrigerator further so that Larissa could see krherst, Pretty much everything remained the same as when she went to put the cake inside, excent for the cake se. They even searched every single trash can in the house, but they
sary cake “umains”
This “mysters” was only solved after Kevan got home,
“Cake? Take it,” he said casually,
“Allefit?” Larissa was shocked.
“Yup.” Kevan nedded before asking her in wetum, “Is there a problem??””
It was just The —
“Did you leel sick after having eaten so much? Even lor someone like
who had a sweet tooth, she found hersell sick of the cake
only eating a small slice. She remembered that he was not particularly land of desserts.
“It’s not that bat,” Kevan said “Twas probably too hurgy”
However, on the nord day, Larissa noticed the six tans she made yesterday had vanished from the regerator again. As expected Kevan was the one who finished themal
“Did you eat already? she asked him.
tLL” He was nighteous about it
The slowing third fourth, and fifth days the stuation remained unchanged. It came to the point that any desserts that remained were left on the i-i-glable. Larissa did not bother pulling them in the hidge as it would save him the extra step of having to warm us the treats.
Violet came by every day. Other than giving Larissa caking lessons, she also did not forget to pry about Revan’s attitude towards the killen,
“How’s Kevin with Mullin around
“He’s alright” Lanssa replied. She was not lying anyway-at least Kevan no longer said things like sending Mullin away or throwing her out. At most, he just ignored the kitten for the most part. He would not take the intialias to be Hendy with her, nor would he botherwi
ime over is tim
Violet was satised. She figured that she could carry on with the next step of her plan
“Are you free this Saturday night?” she asked Larssa.
“No” revalorbade om leaving the house. Besides, she did not have any friends to hang out with in Barham
“Well that’s just as welltherr Violet clapped her hands in delight. “Myskier’s andchild has just turned one month old, and she invited us all over for a gathering. We could even bake a cake for the lille ones as an extra g11.’
“Sun!” Larissa agreed readily to it. Having stayed at home for so long, she wanted to go outside for some air as well as meel pole
“Then let Kevan know about this, yes?Let him come along too.”Violet gave her this task.
Lassa just took it as her not making up with Kevan yet, and hence her unellingness to communicate with him directly, so she accepted
When she brought this up with Kewen, he refused her latly. Tim not going.”
Larissa was so silly as to not know his mother’s intentions, but he came out of her womb, how could he not know? By then, she would
certainly deliver all kinds of noisy, fussy kids to him in order to cultivate his “Tatherly instincts”.
Although he was not against the idea of having his own children, he was most certainly averse to fussy ones.
“If you want to go, go by yourself. Don’t drag me along with you.”
Chapter 320
Molet never said that Kevan had to go, so Lerissa was rather calm about it. Since he was not willing to, she found no need to force him.
*Tilbe baking cases for the Little ones on Saturday, I probably won’t have time to make anything else. Remember to eat more for dinner.” Becaling his recent meal “additions”, Larissa made sure to remindim.
Kevan’s expression was dark, looking foralies Lastom was coming.
“You have ime to bake for a bunch of relevant prope, but you don’t have time to do I for me?”
To Larissa, he was just being unreasonably troublesome.
“The kid’s just fuming one month old. Mom and are just giving a cake as a token
“buy a case and deliver it over the ones you bake belong to me! Kevan ordered aggressively.
Larissa did not want to bother with him. However, Kevan now had a grip on something viatal hers.
“T you slid want to be able to see your cal afer you come home
“Okay okay, okay, man. Jez bake you one erissa quickly promised him.
Kevan, in a rare moment of affection, picked Mulf up and placed her on his lap, stroking her tur like a kind father. His eyes were hal- nanowed and a humphant smile was on his Los
Maltin also imated him by namowing her eyes her expression one of extreme contentment completely unaware of the dangerous situation she was in
Larissa was a lupte choked un, what kind of dumb cat was she rearing?
When Violet “eard that Kevan refused to attend the party, she was unsurprised. Just as Kevan knew her well, she knew her son well too
She just thought that he would have done for Larissa’s sake.
fat that was line. She would find a way to make him go.
The party was held in the Regal Dynasty. Only one large private room containing burtacies was booked.
This was the scope of a family gathering, Violet asa kept telling her that only family members would be attending so that Larissa would not be nervous. But when they went inside, Lassa saw Lana, who was definitely not a part of the family. She wore a red gown, and a silk Shawl was wracped around her shoulders. In the crowd of guests in their casualwear she looked overly formal and certa ny out of place.
Next to her was luces, who was dressed in a siz
She was hanging off his arm, her signature sweet smile on her face that had thick makeup as she kept nodding at the people who passed
by het.
In contrast, Lucas’ expressionless lace was zoned out. He seemed to be thinking of something that no one else was aware of
Seeing Larissa staring at the pair, Violet bent down and whispered into her ear, “Are they your hiends? Do you need me to push you over to say hello”!
Startled, Larissa sucks maxed her hand and said, ‘No that won I be necessary.” Vort Pen deft it at that
It was Joely that Larssa’s wheelchair was too conspicuous as everyone soon turned to look at them. But their games only stopped brielly on Larissa balone shilling to Violet.
“V! You’re Inaly here!” Violet’s younger sister. Mia Johnson, came over with a smile on her face, and she hugged Violet’s arm with
They traded pleasantnes for a moment before Ma acted as if she had just noticed Larissa, asking, “Is this Keyan’s wife?”
“Yes.”Molel rubbed Larissa’s head with pride as she said, “My daughter-in-law, Larissa Seymour.”
Mia craised her politely as well as asking after her injured leg, before finally asking, “Why didn’l Kevan come along too?”
“He’s busy with work, of course Violet’s be was very natural.
“That’s true.” Ma did not suspect her sister at all. His company is so big she has to be in charge of everything. But he’s still rather
thoughtful because he sent our darling Chris a massive cabelim worried that we won’t be able to finish
Chapter 321
ell, he’s the uncle, so even if he’s not here, ut course he would send a gift as a ken of is presence”Violet’s words wore humble, bul her smile was filled with pride
Alter Mia, many others sought Violet out to chat Although it was supposedly ‘chatting’. they were actually just trying toss up to her
Larissa was quit Shoes she was hearing more compliments than she ever had in the past twenty ¦
A mind aged cope walked over together.
‘Mrs. Rogers”
“Mr. and Mrs Heres
They gro eindach cihe
Violet introduced them to Larissa. “This is the crescent of Torqua Corporation, Mr. Kander Hermes. This is his wife ”
Larissaknem Terqua Corporation. If she recalled comely
She glanced at Lugas, who was not far off. These two before her must be his parents
Lucas happened to look over to where they were bon. When he lockedves with Larissa, he immediately let out a polite smile, which Larissa also gave in retur
Lana who was next to him, noticed their inaction, and herecession darkened Cragging Lucas by his am, Lana led him to when Violet and Larss) WENT.
“Mr. Xander, Mrs. Cecilia.” She addressed Lucas’ parents first but they were cold to her, only grunting quietly in acknowledgment. They did not even look at her
This made things rather awkward. Larissa and Violet did not dares
e say a word.
Biting tripletly, Lana quickly squeezed her way to Larissa crouching next to the wheelchair as she called out gevously. “Laissa my deareste der sister
The moment she addressed Larissathis way, Vinut and Lupas parents looked shocked.
“Lark when did you have a younger sister? Vicket asked in surprise. She had been with Larissa every day recently but she had never heard hermen on mis balore.
Lana watches Larissa anxiously, her smile was a little sift.
Looking away. Larissa said blandly, “She’s my aunt’s daughter.”
Seeing that se cic not deny their relationship, Lana relaxed a little. However, Violet’s earession became unpleasant
Larissa had me tioned that her “aunt’ was Yvelle Kander, which meant Seymour family-she may even be that ungrateful brat who dared to be
at this art who called Larissaher elder sister was a child of the unwaverdzal these years ago.
Lucas’ parents had been soclining in the business sector for years, so they were quite savvy al navigating social situations. Hence, they noticed the change in Violet’s mood at once, and they knew exactly why the change happened,
“Lucas “Xander looked over to his son. He gave him a lock, and Lucas immediately knew what he had to do.
“Mana let’s go find Rebecca” He lagged on Lana but did not succeed in making her moat.
Lana broke her of his grip, staring hard at Larssa. What haped to your leg, Larissa” she asked with great concern. “Why didn’t you tellus about 47
The matter of Jay t ang his own life had caused quite an upmar, and all the news had brought up her name, She did not believe that an had not seer L. It was kind of late for her to start acig in lont ofher right now though.
Larissa did not want to bother talking with her but was ahaid that her overly heatless spay might give Violet a bad impression of h Aher all she sit needed to play the part of a good daughter-in-la
“It’s just a minor fracture. It’s not serious, so it was not necessary to tell you guys about; in the end, she showed her an ample amouricldu-k y


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