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Sweet Subterfuge novel by Trina Duo novel Chapter 333

Chapter 333 

Molet quietly let cut a sigh of relief

Never mind then, I plan to teach you how to make manga millefeuille today.” 

Larissa’s attention was drawn away by her quickly. Sure!” 

They kept working until the evening. Lunch was a chilton cake that they baked

In the midst of tal, Violet even pushed Larissa downstairs for some air, and they even look a nap in the afternoon together

Kevan returned at his usual time. When he entered the house, he keenly noticed a cair of unfamiliar leather shoes in the entrance hall- based on the brand, it likely belonged to his mother

The living room lights were on, but there was no one there

He walked into the kitchen, and sure enough, his mother and Larissa were at the kitcher counter doing who knew what

Hearing the noise, Larissa looked up first. You’re back.She smiled at him, her tone surprisingly soft and gentle. She had no choice but to 

play the role of a virtuous and considerate wife when she was in front of Violet 

Kevan prunted lightly before moving closer to ask, What are you guys making?” 

Larissa answered. Mom bought some chicken, and she’s teaching me how to cut it property to make chicken tried steak.” 

Kevan nodded and assed again, Do you need my help?” 

Larissa had not yet replied when she heard Vibel say coldy. No. Get out.” 

Both Kevan and Larissa were shocked by her attitude, but they did not think too much of it thinking that she was stil mac at Kevan about the matter of having a child. Worried that she might get angrier at his presence in the kitchen, Kevan leh the space obediently

Larissa sensed the gloomy aura around Violet, and her voice became quieter than belare

Holding the knife, Violet chopped the chicken hard, her expression was not pleasant either. It seemed as if she was using this opportunity 

to vent the anger in her heart

Larissa watched her with terror, but she did not dare ask only helping her silently by the side. Whatever Violet wanted, she would pass it 

over at once

Alright, wash the chopping board.Violet placed the chopped chicken pieces into a basin

Larissa saw that the recently bought chopping board had now gained several deep marks. Oiling her lip, Larissa hurriedly went over to the 

sink to wash of the bloody water

Dinner was made really soon. Violet told Larissa to wall in the dining hall while she brought out the dishes. When the pasta was finaly brought out she only brought two plates and ignored Kevan, who could only go and get himsell a portion, However, Violet was not done making things difficult for him 


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