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Sweet Subterfuge novel by Trina Duo novel Chapter 346

It was only after Kevan promised that he would return from the company as fast as he could that Lucas returned Larissa's phone to her.

Larissa led Lucas upstairs—After all, many residents would come and go, so to stay at the entrance of the building was a little too jarringly obvious.

The Rogers family driver did not leave. He remained dutifully by Larissa's side, his eyes fixed steadily on Lucas.

"Didn't you say that you wanted to apologize to Kevan? Why did it change into needing to find him for something important?" Larissa asked. She thought that "something important" was just Lucas' excuse for getting Kevan to come back home. She did not expect him to say, "My true purpose of coming over today is to tell Mr. Rogers about this 'important' matter. When I said I wanted to apologize, I just wanted you to open the door for me. But … I didn't expect you to be so cautious against me too." He lowered his head, smiling bitterly.

Larissa did not know if he was telling the truth or a lie right now, so she naturally did not dare to be honest with him.

"If you're looking for Kevan, why are you here and not at Microworks?" she asked curiously.

"Uh …" Lucas hesitated for a few seconds. "We'll talk about it after Mr. Rogers comes back."

When Kevan got back home, two hours had passed. When he came in and saw Larissa sitting there without a scratch, he immediately breathed out a sigh of relief.

Hearing the sounds of the door, Lucas leaped to his feet and turned to look. "Mr. Rogers!" he exclaimed excitedly, just like he always did before whenever he saw him.

"Mm." Kevan's reaction was distant, mirroring his usual attitude toward Lucas. He slowly walked into the living room and asked Lucas, "What is it?"


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