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Sweet Subterfuge novel by Trina Duo novel Chapter 354

Chapter 354
The pet shop on the third floor was as big as two luxury brand stores, unlike other malls where they could only occupy a tiny comer of the building. The walls outside were filled with painted pet cartoons, and the interior was decorated cutely too.
The moment Larissa went inside, she was attracted by the cat display section, which was large enough to occupy a huge amount of
“Those are the kitties that customers have left here to be pet-sat! A young girl wearing a cat ear hairband as well as a kitty apron came over and reminded her gently. “If you’d like to buy a cat, please follow me here! She indicated the door nearby.
Larissa rejected her well-meaning gesture. “It’s alright. I’m just looking around.”
The girl did not chase her away nor display any annoyance. “Sure! Go ahead!” She remained agreeable.
It was probably because this pet shop was quite famous because there were a lot of cats being pet-sat here. Larissa looked over every cat before finally finding a Ragdoll kitten that looked exactly like Mu ffin in the last cubby of the glass cabinet. The glass door had a few
words: M uffin, Cole, 3/1300XXX
The date was today’s date.
Larissa got emotional as she patted the glass door twice, calling, “Mullin!”
Mullin had seen her already, and she was also pressing her face to the door and meowing at her. The strangeness of both human and kitten naturally attracted the attention of others in the shop. The young girl from before came over and asked in confused wonder. “Do you
know the owner of this kilty?”
Larissa was just about to reply when she noticed Violet next to her.

No.” She pulled her hand back and said despondently. “It’s just that this kitten looks like the one I lost not long ago, and even the name is the same. So, I couldn’t help myself.”
The girl worked in the shop, so she naturally loved pets and cats. Therefore, she could understand Larissa’s feelings. She gave Larissa a cup of water from the water dispenser at the reception counter. “If you don’t mind, you can leave me your contact number. I can help you ask after the owner comes over to retrieve the killen at night, and see if it’s the one you lost.”
“It’s fine.” Larissa smiled a little. She was certain that this was her Mu ffin, so such an unnecessary act was not needed. Tugging on Violet’s hand, she said, “Let’s go, Mom.”
“Okay.” Violet pushed Larissa out of the shop.
Before they left the shop entirely, Larissa turned back to look at the kitten in the glass cabinet again.
They did not go shopping in the afternoon but went to a beauty salon that Violet frequented for a full body treatment. After that they had dinner before Violet sent Larissa home.
Having had fun for a whole day. Larissa was a le tired. She was preparing to sleep after her shower when she remembered there was still a kitten in the house. Before leaving, she had filled its bowl with cal food, but it was only enough for one meal. It must be starving its head off at this point.
The kitter was sleeping quietly in its cage, surprisingly not meowing its hunger out loud. Larissa became gentler and quieter, refilling its bowl without disturbing it. After that, she went to sleep with assurance.
After some time had passed, she was woken up by a loud slam. Startled, Larissa sat up in her bed, blinking blearily as she saw someone standing by her bedroom door.
“Larissa Seymour! Do you even have a conscience?!” Kevan’s sudden sharp questioning dispersed any sense of fatigue she had.
“What the hell is going on now? Her voice was hoa rse from sleep.
“Muttin is, and you can still sleep so well!” Kevan sneered and turned to leave
Larissa quickly got out of bed. She did not even have time to put on her slippers as she followed him with her injured leg.


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