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Sweet Subterfuge novel by Trina Duo novel Chapter 363

Ruby watched as Kevan shut the door behind him, darkness flashing momentarily through her eyes as her fists clenched, and she nearly ground her own teeth to dust. Her little actions did not go unnoticed by Dylan, but he remained as cool as a cucumber and acted as if he saw nothing.

"Ms. Cole, Mr. Rogers said that you had suffered serious domestic abuse?" He continued the subject from before.

"Yes." The moment Kevan left, Ruby's attitude toward Dylan became cold at once. She did not even look at him while she spoke. Her attitude did not surprise Dylan, even though he felt discomfited with it. But it was precisely because he knew what sort of person she was that he was able to accept it. He thought with some amount of dark glee, "I wonder what sort of attitude or expression she will show when she finds out Kevan and I are best friends?"

"Could you provide me with the details and information you gave to the previous lawyer?" Dylan asked.

"I don't have them with me right now." Ruby denied him at once. "If you want them, find Mr. Rogers." With that, she did not care how Dylan would react, standing up and dismissing him at once. "I'm a little tired, Mr. Shields. If there's nothing else, please leave at once. We can talk about the divorce at a later date."

If he did not need to maintain his professional lawyer image, Dylan would have snapped back long ago.

Tired? She did nothing all day long—just lying on the sofa and eating takeout. Just how tired could she be?

Internally rolling his eyes, Dylan maintained a polite smile and said, "Of course, I will take my leave then." He dug out a business card and left it on the coffee table. "Please make an appointment with me beforehand should you wish to discuss the matter of the divorce."

"Yeah." Ruby was very offhand about it.

Dylan was about to leave when he suddenly heard a faint, soft meow. That sound clearly came from a kitten. He suddenly recalled the Ragdoll in Kevan's home. "You have a kitten as well, Ms. Cole?" He asked in surprise.


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