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Sweet Subterfuge novel by Trina Duo novel Chapter 371

Time passed quickly, and it was already half a month later. Larissa had recovered from her leg injury and returned to work at the hotel. Edmund would visit her office every day, finding seemingly legitimate excuses, but everyone on the top floor could see the difference in his treatment of her.

Rumors started spreading throughout the hotel, but she pretended to be oblivious. She bought a simple wedding ring and wore it on her finger, indicating her married status. Nonetheless, her plan to divorce Kevan had not materialized. Since that day after she'd made her strong statement, Kevan never brought up the topic of divorce again, and she had been enduring it to save face.

Meanwhile, Kevan's relationship with Ruby became more public. He started taking her to various formal and informal social events. In order to spend more time with her, he even gave her a fictitious secretarial position. The only limit he set was not spending the night with her, and the Rogers family was aware of these arrangements.

Violet caused a scene once when she confronted Kevan, but his attitude was completely different from before. He neither explained nor denied anything but simply stated, "Regardless of what happens between Ruby and me, Larissa is still your daughter-in-law."

Violet was so enraged by his response that she slapped him hard on the face and stormed out, later apologizing to Larissa over the phone, crying and blaming herself for not raising her son properly. Larissa didn't know how to comfort her.


Cody and Lana's wedding took place on a small island in Kymin. They had booked the entire island, and the wedding guests arrived directly on the Rogers family's private plane.

Yvette called Larissa multiple times under the pretense of inviting her to the wedding but ended up bragging about Cody's extravagance. Larissa played along and pretended to be envious, which only made Yvette feel prouder. Yvette praised Cody even more and said, "Having such a wonderful son-in-law is truly a blessing from my past life."


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