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Sweet Subterfuge novel by Trina Duo novel Chapter 391

Larissa was caught off guard by her question and instinctively denied it. "Well, I haven't eaten for a day, so it's not unusual to be starving, right?"

"That makes sense." Wendy nodded and accepted her explanation.

However, the situation persisted into the next day. Larissa once again found herself being pulled out of the bed by Wendy. They had to complete the admission procedures at the language academy, so they had to get up early. Larissa had set the alarm but was so deep in her sleep that she didn't hear it.

Wendy couldn't help but complain, "Are you a pig? You were asleep the whole day yesterday. How could you still sleep at night?"

Worried that Larissa might be experiencing jet lag, Wendy had planned to stay up all night chatting with her. To her surprise, when she returned from taking a shower, she found Larissa fast asleep in her room.

With a sleepy yawn, Larissa admitted, "I might actually be one."

Wendy prepared breakfast. There was toast, fried eggs, bacon, and a cup of milk. Although it was a normal serving, Larissa wasn't full. Ultimately, she finished all the white bread with jam at Wendy's house.

"There's definitely something going on with you. Let me take you to the hospital for a checkup once we're done with the admission." Wendy looked worried.

Larissa was not afraid of seeing doctors, and she did, as a matter of fact, feel something strange too. However, she just thought it was simply because she wasn't used to being in a new environment, so she believed going to the hospital was unnecessary.

However, Wendy didn't care and ultimately took her there. Larissa wasn't good with the language here, so she left the talking to Wendy. Larissa sat on the side, listening to Wendy chatting with the doctor, and was in a daze. Though she couldn't grasp the exact details of the conversation, she could sense Wendy's shock and observed a complex gaze directed toward her.

Larissa panicked and asked, "What did the doctor say?"

Wendy ignored her question and asked, "Did you have your period this month?"


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