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Sweet Subterfuge novel by Trina Duo novel Chapter 395

Larissa was stunned, but she also felt guilty. She and Wendy had been best friends for a long time, but Larissa had never seriously paid much attention to Wendy's love life. No doubt, she had no idea that Wendy had planned such a future for herself.

"Back then, I gave up my high-paying job and went overseas to study without turning back because I wanted to escape the pressure of my parents rushing me to marry every year." Wendy gave a self-deprecating laugh and said, "They can argue about anything, but studies are the only thing they can agree on." Wendy was a Covenford local and studied at a local university, but she never went home on weekends. During summer break every year, she would be the last person to leave the dormitory and the first person to return.

Larissa had asked her out of curiosity before and found out that Wendy's parents had divorced when she was in high school. Each of them had formed a new family and had new children of their own. Larissa guessed that Wendy's decision to remain unmarried was likely strongly influenced by her family background.

"I made up my mind a long time ago that I would be a spinster. You know how well I live alone too, but I still can't fight my traditionalist thoughts of wanting a child to take care of me when I grow old and take my inheritance. If the child is yours, then that makes it even better," said Wendy.

Larissa's decision swayed for a moment, but her rationale still won. "You must bear in mind that this baby's father could possibly be a despicable rapist …"

"But its mother is my best friend and a very outstanding person. I believe in your genes and in myself. I won't let the child go astray," said Wendy solemnly while holding Larissa's hand.

"You …" Larissa hung her head and said softly, "Give me a few days to think it over." Wendy didn't push her and said, "Okay, think about it carefully." When they got into the car, Wendy said, "Oh, by the way, Barbara asked me to tell you after you left that you might run into a long-lost close relative or friend in recent days. That person will be your lucky star, so you must appreciate them."


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