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Sweet Subterfuge novel by Trina Duo novel Chapter 41

Chapter 41 

You motherfucking crazy bitch! I let you have your way but you just keep pushing my limits!Mr. Hardy shouted

Larissa was afraid things would get out of hand, so she quickly stepped in and attempted to break up the fight. Mr. Hardy pushed her away roughly

Get out!He yelled, the motions of his arms never ceasing

The other patient in the room seemed to be used to their fights by now. Wordlessly, they closed the curtains around their bed. Out of sight, out of mind

Dad! Mom! Are you done embarrassing yourselves?Travis shouted angrily, successfully bringing Mr. Hardy back to his senses

He released his grip on Mrs. Hardy, but her eyes rolled to the back of her head and she fainted once again

There was a large, red mark on her forehead, its color darker on her flushed face as a result of her fever. There was no doubt that Mr. Hardy had used a lot of force when he slammed her head against the wall earlier 

Could you please call the nurse in or press the call button on my bed for me?Travis begged Larissa

Larissa was just about to leave the room when Mr. Hardy rushed over to stop her

You! Stay here. Don’t go anywhere!” 

Even though he had a fight with Mrs. Hardy, he’d witnessed how hard she’d been working the past few days, and he had not forgotten why she’d been so determined to get Larissa here

Mr. Hardy opened the door and shouted at the top of his lungs. Nurse!” 

Very quickly, a nurse rushed over

As soon as she saw Mrs. Hardy on the floor, she was taken aback

Ma’am, what happened?She asked as she knelt down to pull Mrs. Hardy up to her feet

Mr. Hardy stood on one side, eyeing them coldly. He didn’t even bother to give them a hand

Who knows what happened?His voice was filled with disdain

Chapter 41 

Larissa saw the nurse struggling to support Mrs. Hardy’s weight, so she walked over to support the woman on her other side and replied, She had a fever of 103.1 degrees earlier and received IV fluids downstairs, but I suppose her fever hasn’t yet subsided.” 

103.1 degrees?The nurse repeated in surprise. That’s pretty serious.” 

The two of them moved Mrs. Hardy to the bed Mr. Hardy was sleeping in before and took her temperature again

100.6 degrees. She still has a high fever. Since she’d already gotten fluids, I’ll bring along two ice packs then. You can help apply them on her forehead.” 

The nurse brought back the ice packs, but Mr. Hardy refused to take them

I’m going out for a smoke.He said and left the ward

Larissa was tempted to do the same. But met with the nurse’s earnest gaze, she couldn’t help but reach over and accept the ice packs from her

Reluctantly, she sat by Mrs. Hardy’s bed and placed the ice packs on her forehead

Travis moved his neck to look at her

Thank youI guess, for today,he murmured, his eyes filled with apology

Larissa pursed her lips. She did not deem it necessary to give him any kind of



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