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Sweet Subterfuge novel by Trina Duo novel Chapter 44

Chapter 44 

The window on the passenger’s side lowered as soon as she knocked

Larissa bent down to look inside. Unexpectedly, her gaze was met with a pair of dark


Mr. Rogers?She looked at the man in the driver’s seat, surprise filling her voice.Where’s Dylan?” 

Kevan retracted his gaze and looked straight ahead, leaving nothing but a cold profile in her direction

Something came up suddenly and he wanted me to pick you up.His reply was concise and to the point

Oh.Larissa nodded. Then, she was faced with a difficult decision

She didn’t know where exactly she should sit

If she sat in the passenger’s seat, Kevan’s imposing presence might be too much for 

her to handle. On the other hand, if she sat at the back, she couldn’t help but feel as 

if she would be treating Kevan as her chauffeur. She was afraid she would end up offending him

What are you waiting for?Kevan turned to her and narrowed his eyes impatiently. Do you not want to go anymore?” 

No! Of course not!She decided to stop overthinking and pulled the door on the passenger’s side open

Fortunately, Kevan did not say anything

Before, when Dylan was around, the atmosphere in the car would still be somewhat lively. Now that it was just the two of them, the air felt unusually charged, the silence surrounding them thick and heavy

About half an hour later, the car stopped in front of a threestorey building in Roseville

We’re here.Kevan unfastened his seat belt

Roseville was filled with quaint, historical buildings. Because of its unique 

architecture, it was very popular among young artists. A lot of people visited the area for their wedding photos, and it’d even been featured as a backdrop in numerous fashion magazines in the past

In the past few years, more and more photography and styling studios had been established on this particular street. The studio Kevan was bringing her to was one named V. Style

Larissa had read about the studio online before. It was a wellknown studio founded by the renowned stylist, Vivian Watts, and it specifically catered to acclaimed stars. Never in her life did she imagine she would ever find herself here to receive the same treatment given to prominent,celebrities worldwide

The studio had a reception hall for its guests on the first floor. Its interior was bright and ornately decorated

Do you have an appointment?a stylish, young woman greeted them and asked with a smile

Kevan gave her Dylan’s name

The smile on her face widened. So, it’s Mr. Shields! This way, please!” 

They ascended the spiraling staircase directly to the third floor

Vivian is waiting for you inside.The woman gestured to the door


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