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Sweet Subterfuge novel by Trina Duo novel Chapter 48

Chapter 48 

Kevan swallowed again, his dark eyes teeming with intense emotion

Can you see the hair that’s stuck?Larissa’s question broke him out of his thoughts. Blinking, Kevan shoved his fanciful thoughts out of his mind and turned his gaze slowly to the zipper. The dark strands that were caught in the zipper were rather 


It might hurt. Try to bear with it, alright?” 

Kevan’s throat was dry, and his voice was hoarser than usual. He pinched the top of the zipper together to make sure that the teeth were aligned while his other hand slowly pulled the zip down. His movements were very gentle, and he was so focused on the task that it was as if he were handling a precious thing

Larissa accidentally glimpsed his face in the mirror, and her shock caused her to freeze on the spot. The Kevan now andand the one she knew were quite different. Her heart began pounding so hard she felt like it might burst from her chest. All she could hear was her heartbeat drumming in her ears, and she quickly looked down to avoid looking at him through the mirror

Kevan successfully brought the zipper back down to the bottom, and in the process, he carefully tugged her hair out

Did it hurt?he asked, and Larissa shook her head. No.But the moment she moved 

her head, her scalp was pulled on, and she hissed in pain

Kevan chuckled, and said in a low voice, Idiot.” 

Larissa had no energy to retort. Now that the zipper was fully open, her back was almost completely exposed to Kevan. He still remembered how her skin feltsmooth like silk, and delightfully addictive

Hearing nothing behind her, Larissa asked nervously, Are 

you finished?” 

One moment,Kevan replied. He pinched the zipper again and began zipping upwards. In the process, a knuckle on his middle finger gently brushed across her spine, like a feather, tickling both their hearts. Even though Larissa knew that he was not touching her deliberately, she could not help but tense up and hold her breath

Done.The zipper was finally closed, and Kevan let go reluctantly

Larissa also let out a long exhale. Thank you,she said

Kevan stuck his hands back into his pockets to curb his urge to touch her. After 



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