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Sweet Subterfuge novel by Trina Duo novel Chapter 62

Chapter 62 

Lucas was like a statue, his back against the wall and his phone in hand

How are you still here?Larissa asked. She thought that he had left long ago

Lucas stowed his phone back into his pocket and rubbed the back of his head sheepishly. I thought that your gown would not be cleaned so easilyHis eyes glanced over to Larissa’s bosom as he spoke, and when he saw the unchanged red stain, his expression shifted

I’m familiar with the owner of this villa. I can help you borrow a fresh set of clothes” 

I appreciate your kind offer, but that won’t be necessary,Larissa refused him with a smile. Something came up, and I’ll be leaving now.” 

Huh?Lucaseyes widened. Are you leaving on your own? Or leaving with Mr. Rogers?” 

When Kevan came in, he was present too. It was difficult to not notice them with such a huge commotion, but considering the crowd that surrounded them earlier, he did not bother to join in

His purpose in waiting for Larissa was not only to just get her a fresh change of clothes but also to use this as a chance to greet Kevan. But he did not expect Larissa to leave the moment she came out, so he did not even have the chance to do what 

he wanted to

I’ll be leaving on my own

Strictly speaking, Larissa was not even Kevan’s companion, and Dylanwho was the one who invited her to this banquethad vanished long ago. She naturally had no right to ask Kevan to send her back. Besides, from what she had seen, Kevan was likely the star of tonight’s banquet instead of the owner of the villa. If he were to leave in the middle of it all, he would disappoint everyone

Did you drive over?Lucas asked with concern. This is a pretty secluded place, and cabs won’t come up here. How about I send you to wherever you want to go? Just tell me where. There’s no point for me to stay behind anyway.” 

He came because of Kevan, but the man was always tied up with all those elders. If Larissa could not help him out, it was pointless for him to reach out on his own because he would never be able to get a few words in with Kevan. It was better to trade a favor for Larissa instead of wasting time here

Lucas was a goodhearted personLarissa had already seen it for herself at the 

hospital. But as she was not close to him, she did not really want to trouble him

I’ll just call for a cab.” 

She opened up the ehailing taxi app and had just successfully input her location when Lucas snatched away her phone

He looked righteous and firm even as he lectured her. Didn’t you see the news? There was an incident just two days ago with the ehailing app! A young woman in her twenties was taken into the mountains by a cab driver and sexually assaulted. After that, he even killed her and left her body there because he was afraid that the incident would be brought to light!” 

This had been a big deal, and almost all the apps on Larissa’s phone talked about news of the incident. It was impossible for her to not know about this

Well, it’s settled then. I’ll send you to your destination.Lucas took the lead and walked in front of her. As her phone was still in his hand, Larissa could only hurry after him with small steps

Once they got back down to the first floor, Lucas paused to ask, Would you like to inform Mr. Rogers that you’ll be leaving in advance?” 

Larissa nodded. Of course.” 

The crowd in the lounge had mostly scattered, and people had gotten into small groups to drink and chat. Larissa searched the whole room but did not see Kevan at 


Looking for Mr. Rogers?Sharon had somehow gotten behind her and tapped on her shoulder

Startled, Larissa thought that her heart was going to jump out of her chest. But thankfully she managed to cover her mouth before she could let out any 

embarrassing screams


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