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Sweet Subterfuge novel by Trina Duo novel Chapter 65

Chapter 65 

Seeing her, Lucas got out of the car immediately

Ms. Seymour!” He waved at her excitedly, his smile brighter than before. It was as if something good had happened to him

Was there something else you needed?Larissa asked him

Lucas kept grinning like a fool for a while before he managed to speak. Mr. Rogers called me just now! Mr. Rogers! Called! Me! He called me in person!” 

Larissa patiently listened to his boasting, and only asked him once he finished, Why did he call you?” 

Well, he asked if I was with you, and he also asked where we went.Lucas told her everything about the conversation he had with Kevan. I told him I brought you to the hospital, and he told me not to leave and to flag you down when you come out so that he can come pick you up.” 

When did Mr. Rogers call you?Larissa asked with a frown

The moment you entered the hospital. It was probably like half an hour ago,Lucas 


Larissa checked the time on her phone. It was after 9 pm now. It would take Kevan at least an hour to get here from that hillside villa. To send her home afterIt would be far too late. Not to mention that the banquet probably would not end so early

She quickly called Kevan, who picked up after two rings. Where are you?Kevan’s deep voice came through the phone. Even if it was a little distorted, Larissa could tell that he was unhappy

I’m at the entrance of Victory General with Lucas Hermes,she replied honestly, I heard from Lucas that you’re coming over… 

Yes. I’m on the way.Kevan’s voice was accompanied by the sound of the wind howling in the background

You don’t have to come!Larissa said quickly, Lucas can take me home.” 

The line remained silent for a few seconds before the sound of the wind got stronger

Larissa hunched in on herself and wrapped Lucasjacket tighter around her

I’m on the way,Kevan repeated with emphasis. Wait for me at the hospital entrance. Don’t go anywhere.He then hung up

Chapter ob 

Staring at the dimming screen, Larissa did not know what to do. Lucas inched over and asked, So? Is he still coming?His eyes were filled with anticipation


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