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Sweet Subterfuge novel by Trina Duo novel Chapter 67

Chapter 67 

As for the second question… 

I was going to tell you, but Ms. Davis said you went to the backyardLarissa 

thought about it before deciding not to tell him what else Sharon had told her. I did not want to disturb you.” 

Hearing this, Kevan frowned so deeply that the creases in his forehead could probably kill a fly

Why do you need to pay for your former husband’s medical fees? Where is his family?” 

The moment this was brought up, Larissa got angry. His parents ran off without him. The nurse could only contact me.” 

They only dared run off precisely because they knew you would come.Kevan laughed coldly. Larissa, tell me, is your brain waterlogged?” 

Larissa reacted very quickly. This was Kevan insulting her for being an idiot

Although she was mad, she knew that he was right

If you didn’t pay for it, see if they’d really leave their son behind.” 

It was not as if Larissa had never thought of competing with Travisparents on who could be more ruthless, but considering their charactersShe was afraid of that off- chance that they might really leave their son behind. If something really happened to Travis because of his treatment being halted, she would be subject to public criticism -after all, she was not divorced from Travis yet

Oris it because you can’t bear to leave your former husband behind?Kevan’s eyes narrowed, a dangerous, wintry glint in them. Even if he had hurt you, betrayed you, and stolen the only asset you had as well as nearly leaving you homeless, you are still committed to him?” 

His accusation was rather unwarranted and a little outrageous

arissa denied it at once. “I’m not that cheap!” 

hace was flushed with anger, and her bright eyes were filled with discontent aimed at him

Kevan slowly relaxed as the tension in his body melted away

It’s best if you aren’t.His voice sounded calmer. Stop bothering with any matters 


Chap 47 

regarding your former husband,he ordered

The moment they entered the elevator, the cold seemed to be automatically blocked off from the outside. Larissa removed the jacket and returned it to Kevan. Thank you, Mr. Rogers.” 

Seeing the wine stain on her bosom, Kevan recalled the incident that Sharon told him about- 

How did that happen?he asked


Larissa started and automatically covered her chest, but eventually let her hands fall in dejection after Kevan’s cool glance

I accidentally spilled some wine,she said, When it’s time to return the gown, ask Vivian how much this costs. I’ll pay for it myself.” 

She had never bought haute couture before, but it did not prevent her from trying to understand the industry. The gown she was wearing right now probably cost a few hundred thousand dollars. Silently calculating the amount she had in her savingsit was likely sufficient

It was just thatAfter paying for it, she would have to live off bread and water

I’ve already paid for the dress. Or I should say, everything you’re wearing right now is mine,Kevan said

Although Larissa knew that Kevan was rich, his generosity still exceeded her expectations. If nothing elseit was pointless for him to buy the gown since he could not wear it. But even then, he would never give her the gown for no reason. If he wanted to let someone else wear itWell, Larissa was sure Kevan was not that 



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