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Sweet Subterfuge novel by Trina Duo novel Chapter 69

Chapter 69 

I feel like it doesn’t make a difference even if I pretend to be your girlfriend,she said seriously

Those who would willingly try to get in his pants would likely have low to no morals. Kevan having a girlfriend would not stop them from trying, and they may even delude themselves into thinking they could fight for the chance to be with him

How would you know that there would be no difference if you haven’t even tried it yet?Kevan was more optimistic than her, however. Don’t worry, I won’t ask you to do everything a proper girlfriend should. You just need to do what you did today and show up to events with me. That should deter the women who have ideas about me.” 

The banquet today was not that hard to get throughit would have been even better if those two ladies did not come looking for trouble

If it really were all like today… 

Fine.Larissa decided that she would be a quiet wallflower at Kevan’s side to pay off the 1.5milliondollar debt. But let’s iron out the details; how long will this last?” 

She could never let her guard down when making deals with Kevan

Last?Kevan was quiet for a moment. Six months?” 

Isn’t that too long?Larissa found it hard to even imagine herself by Kevan’s side for 

six months

Kevan’s eyes became cold, as if he was dissatisfied at her bargaining

It’s only a fraction of the time you intended to pay off the dress via monthly installments. Besides, I won’t have events like these every month.He paused as a mocking smile appeared on his face. But of course, I don’t mean to force you to agree. If you’re not willing, you may feel free to pay me back tomorrow.” 

He was clearly forcing her to agree! But she just did not have the ability to resist. Gritting her teeth, Larissa snapped, Fine then; six months it is!” 

on’s fist slowly loosened in his pocket. “Then I’ll have Dylan prepare the contract 


Kevan did exactly what he said he would. The next night, Dylan delivered the contract that the former had already signed

The contract was a simple onepage affair. The contents were simple too. It 

stipulated the duties that Larissa should do (pretend to be Kevan’s girlfriend while attending public events with him), and listed out the benefits that she would gain ( exemption from having to pay for the 1.5milliondollar debt) as well as the validity period of the contract (six months)

Everything was written down clearly without any subterfuge, and so Larissa signed it

Dylan gave her a copy of the contract while he carefully put away the one that belonged to Kevan. After having some water, he said, I’ve prepared all the necessary legal documents for your lawsuit against your former husband. Just let me know when you’d like to have them sent over to the court

Larissa was quite worried. But he can’t even leave the hospital right now. If I sue him, will the trial still proceed smoothly?” 


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