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Sweet Subterfuge novel by Trina Duo novel Chapter 75

Chapter 75 

Break out of this predicament? 

She did think about it and did intend to do it. But before that- 

“I don’t want to drag the hotel or you into this.” 

At Covenford’s branch office of Microworks Corporation, Dylan was scrolling through his phone in the president’s office. He swiftly scanned through the article posted by a gossip Twitter account about that specific episode of “The Mediators Room”. 

“Tsk, it holds the same opinion as the previous articles. They didn’t even bother changing up the formula.” He fixed his glasses and glanced at a certain someone who was buried in documents. “These social media accounts slandering Larissa are from the same company. Either the company is doing this on purpose to incite views, or someone has deliberately spent money to screw with Larissa.” 

Kevan gave him a cold stare. “You seem to care about her a lot.” 

Dylan sneered right back. “Not as much as you care about Sharon.” 

The frigid aura surrounding Kevan faded a great deal. 

“I heard that a lot of netizens have complained about Larissa to the Regal Dynasty as well as to Soaring Corporation. So, what are you going to do? Will you help her settle things?” Dylan asked. 

Kevan recalled a report that he had just received. 

“No, I won’t need to.” He smiled faintly, a hint of pride in his eyes. “She can handle it. But-” His expression changed drastically, and a cold gleam appeared in his eyes. “Those social media accounts must be investigated. If there really is someone pulling the strings in the dark-” 

Larissa spent a week preparing. During that time, more and more netizens slandered and insulted her online, as if this was how their “justice” could be 


The main branch of the Regal Dynasty had given Mr. Compton a lot of pressure, but he held on as best as he could and only temporarily suspended Larissa for the time being. 

Janine and Dick accepted several interviews from various news outlets, and they proceeded to play the victim while condemning Larissa. 

“Our boy’s money has been taken by our daughter-in-law, and we can’t even pay for his medical fees!” 


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