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Sweet Subterfuge novel by Trina Duo novel Chapter 85

Chapter 85 

Her daughterinlaw! I bet she’s trying to force her to change her mind. It’s totally disgusting!” 

Yeah! If I was Larissa, I would never come! See what she does!” 

Come on, guys, let’s go! I daresay that someone like her won’t jump! The more people watch, the more she’ll act up! If no one bothers to entertain her, she’ll just slip away quietly on her own!” 

The voice of the speaker was a little familiar. Larissa had just turned back when she smacked right into a firm chest. Huffing as she held her sore nose, she looked up to see-Mr. Rogers?Her eyes widened

As for the other guy near him chatting with the others, who else could it be but Dylan Shields

Why are you here?” 

Kevan did not answer, but he gripped her wrist and said flatly, Come.” 

As his pace was faster than hers, Larissa had to jog a little to keep up with him as he dragged her

Kevan’s car was parked near the surgery building. Once he pushed Larissa into the back seat, he sat on the other side of it as well

A few minutes later, Dylan got into the car as well

Did you come by yourself or did the police call you?he asked Larissa

Zero told me that my motherinlaw intended to jump off the hospital building, and I came over to see if it was really her,Larissa replied

Kevan frowned. “After that, you didn’t leave? What were you waiting for, for her to blackmail you again?” 

He sounded like a parent scolding their child. Even if his tone was unkind, Larissa could hear the concern he 

had for her

She bit her lip. I turned off my phone. The police wouldn’t be able to call me.” 

What if someone recognized you? Have you forgotten that millions of people have seen your livestream tonight?Kevan was still nagging her

Larissa softened her tone immediately

I’m sorry.She smiled in an attempt to appease him. I did not think this through.” 

Kevan harrumphed coldly and turned to look out of the window. He rolled it down, and the cool wind of the night soothed some of his anger

However, Larissa’s soft pleading incited a sudden urge in him to push her down in the car and roughly have 

his way with her

Once he had calmed down, Kevan said, Dylan.” 

Dylan, who was busy keeping an eye on what was going on at the surgery building, responded. Hmm?” 

Chapter 85 

Head up there.Janine’s incessant wailing made Kevan’s eyes narrow. Tell her that you’re the lawyer 

representing Larissa. Ask her if she has any demands.” 

Sure.Dylan got out of the car. He had taken two steps before turning back again. Leaning against the window, he gazed at Larissa


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