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Sweet Subterfuge novel by Trina Duo novel Chapter 87

Chapter 87 

Mrs. Hardy did not fall for it

Call her now! Make her tell everyone in the whole wide world! Tell them everything she said tonight was false! Tell them only what I said is true!” 

But is what you said true?Dylan asked

Mrs. Hardy choked on her own spit. Of course, it’s true!she shouted, her head held high in defiance. Stop talking nonsense! Call Larissa right now!” 

Of course, I could call Ms. Seymour, and I could certainly have her take back everything she said tonight.Dylan said, closing the distance between them by half a step and meeting her eyes, his gaze unwavering. But think about everyone you’ve deceived for a moment. Do you think they’ll ever be able to trust you again?” 

Mrs. Hardy was stumped by his question. Her eyes darted around surreptitiously, as if she were trying to think of an answer to his questions

Actually, this whole incident has never been Larissa’s fault. The only party you should be placing the blame on is the production team of The Mediators Room, and the person who convinced you to appear on the show. Dylan advised her earnestly. Think about it, if you hadn’t been on that show, and if you hadn’t been misled and influenced by someone else to speak such untruths on a public television program, would things have 

gotten to this point?” 

Mrs. Hardy was rendered speechless by his twisted logic, but she thought about it carefully all the same

Dylan shifted forward half a step more. If you can tell me who got you onto that show, I can help you lodge a complaint against them. And if we do that, we can push all of the responsibility to that person. You wouldn’t be affected in the slightest.” 

Mrs. Hardy’s heart began to waver

It’s Ms. Holleran from The Mediators Room! She was the one who found me and had me go on their show! She told meoh, she told me that she would help me regain justice. Everything I said on that show was exactly what she told me to! It has nothing to do with me at all!She immediately absolved herself of every responsibility and pushed the blame onto someone else entirely

Alright, I got it.Dylan nodded and moved forward once again. I’ll draft a lawsuit for you when I get back later to sue the production team of The Mediators Room.” 

And!Mrs. Hardy shouted suddenly, shocking Dylan so much that he froze on the spot. I want Larissa to withdraw that lawsuit she filed against my son! I want her to come back and be with my son like how it’s 

supposed to be!” 

Her unreasonable demands made Dylan’s expression sink

Withdrawing the lawsuit is possible, but under one condition. Have your son sign the divorce agreement immediately.” 

My son is already in such a state, and Larissa still wants to divorce him? Does that woman have any conscience at all?Mrs. Hardy pounded the brick fence encircling the roof with all her might, howling in 

Chapter 87

anguish. Oh, my poor, poor son! If you don’t have a wife anymore, what’s the point of me living? I’ll just die! It’s better if I don’t see this with my own eyes! You can file for divorce, or do whatever you want and it wouldn’t have anything to do with me anymore!” 

The police frantically made eye contact with Dylan again

This time, Dylan ignored them directly

Mrs. Levange, I’m sure you know deep down who the real person with no conscience here is. Your son has brought this onto himself, and it isn’t unrelated to how you and your husband brought him up all those decades ago either. Your son lacks a wife, that’s true, but you could always withdraw your lawsuit against Amber and reconcile with her. When that happens, the court will definitely lessen her sentence according to the way you treat her, and when she’s out of jail in one or two years, she’ll be able to reunite with your son

Don’t you see how this is the best possible outcome that would benefit everyone involved?” 

Don’t you start talking to me about Amber!Mrs. Hardy slapped the fence so hard that her hands became 

numb. My son would never marry that evil, manipulative, heartless bitch!” 

Her words were firm, the resentment in her eyes glaring


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