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Sweet Subterfuge novel by Trina Duo novel Chapter 92

Chapter 92 

Larissa was so tired that her exhaustion and anger gradually overpowered her rationality, so much that she no 

longer cared about the disparities between her and Kevan’s social status, which consequently made her lose 

her fear of him

I just have ten dollars,Kevan told her without a hint of guilt on his face

The price of one cable car ticket was twelve dollars

Larissa was rendered speechless

Eyeing the endless mountainous terrain, she carefully replaced the cap of the mineral water before supporting herself up by holding onto the metal railings on both sides of the trail

Let’s go,she said weakly

Kevan stood unmoving

Are you sure?He raised his brows, the doubt in his voice apparent

We have to get to the top before we get hungry anyway.Larissa squeezed the bottle with one hand and 

grabbed the metal railings with another, plowing ahead with her head down

Kevan jogged in front of her and blocked her path

What?Larissa looked at him, puzzled

Kevan switched his bottle from his right arm to his left

That’s dirty.He angled his chin toward the railings she had been clutching onto and stretched out his right 

arm. Hold onto this.” 

His palms were paler than most, and as clean as the rest of him

As for hers- 

Hers were flushed a dark shade of red. There were also specks of fallen paint stuck to the parts of her hands where she’d gripped the railing earlier

She withdrew her hand in shame. It’s fine. It’s already dirty anyway.” 

Kevan bent forward slightly and grabbed her hand without another word

Her palm was burning hot, but his was still cold

The scalding heat within her body was momentarily relieved, and she instinctively gripped his hand tighter

Her initiative shocked him to no end

The heat from her body flowed into his bones continuously through their joined palms, warming his heart

This kind of limited physical contact was hardly enough for him

His head throbbed, as if there were an imaginary voice shouting in his ear, Not enoughnot nearly enough-” 


Chapter 92 

But given their current situation- 

Kevan turned and faced the front again

Then, he banished every other distraction from his mind as he placed his foot onto the next step

Larissa had been somewhat reserved at first as she tried her hardest to match his pace. And yet, toward the end, she allowed herself to be dragged along by him like a lifeless puppet

Along the way, they stopped to rest multiple times. She ended up draining what was left in her own bottle and Kevan’s unopened bottle of water


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