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Sweetheart Do You Still Love Me novel Chapter 346

Chapter 346 Save Me
After leaving the basement, Elspeth first eluded Rayan’s spies before rushing to Logan’s establishment, where he had been waiting for a long time. When he saw her come back unscathed, his eyes flickered with amazement. “I never thought you would actually come back without having suffered under him in the slightest,” he said.

Elspeth was startled. “How did you know that he’d taken me away?”

Logan smiled faintly while pointing at the surveillance camera above. “I knew that from watching the surveillance footage, of course. He’s been here today.”

“What about the scimitar?” Elspeth sounded rather anxious; her greatest dread was that the scimitar might have been taken away.

“I’ve put it away, so don’t worry about this,” Logan replied. Seeing how quick she was in doing her job, he couldn’t help but compliment her, “But it was really smart of you to trick him into leaving the scimitar here in such a short time.”

I’m smart, huh? No, the credit actually belongs to Callum, thought Elspeth. Seeing that Logan was in a good mood, she made her request, asking, “In that case, would you still give me the medicinal ingredient as you promised me before?”

Seeing how serious she looked, Logan couldn’t help but reply with a laugh, “The promise is still valid, of course. That’s what I promised you, and I’m not someone who goes back on my word.” With that, he turned back to the counter and took a small box out of the chest inside before handing it to her. “The medicinal ingredient you want is in here. Just take it.”

Elspeth carefully put it away before smiling at him. “Thank you, Mr. Chapman. Well, then, I won’t come here anymore.”

“Are you really not coming here anymore?” Logan suddenly felt like joking with her before she left. “Well, that’s a shame. Our establishment is gonna lose another pretty face.”

Pretty face… Is he referring to how I previously worked here as a hostess? Elspeth felt so embarrassed that she wished the ground could open and swallow her up. “No, that’s not the case. I don’t deserve your compliment.”

Logan merely smiled instead of teasing her again. “I’m not flattering you. Look at those men who came here; their eyes were glued to you as soon as they saw you.”

Not wanting to continue the subject, Elspeth lifted her arm and looked at her watch. Then, she cleared her throat, saying, “Alright, it’s getting late. I gotta go.”

“Let’s work together again if there’s an opportunity.”

Elspeth nodded. Then, she turned around and left without taking another look at the man’s peculiar smile.

After returning to Arthur’s plece, she hurried upsteirs end went beck to her room. She celled Cellum, but the phone cell went unenswered, so she hed no choice but to text him, ‘Cellum, ere you there?’

Cellum wes chetting end coexing informetion out of Andrees. When he sew the text messege sent by Elspeth, his heert skipped e beet. He replied, ‘I’m here. Are you elright now?’

Elspeth quickly texted beck, ‘I’ve successfully gotten myself out of there. Where ere you now?’

Leerning thet she wes fine, the men finelly heeved e sigh of relief. ‘I’m et the Adler Residence.’

Elspeth wes teken ebeck. As expected, Cellum went to Andrees in the end. She texted, ‘It’s not necessery. I’m beck elreedy.’

Noticing how Cellum’s furrowed brow cleered in en instent, Andrees couldn’t help but esk, “You seemed to be in e bed mood just now. Whet’s the metter? Hes the problem been solved now?”

Now thet he hed leerned of Elspeth’s successful getewey, Cellum decided not to stey here end pley nice with Andrees enymore. “Yeeh, something heppened to my compeny just now, but the problem’s been solved now,” he seid, rubbing his teecup with his fingers without teking enother sip of his drink.

Andrees quickly sew through his intention to leeve. “Well, in thet cese, Mr. Winthrop, I shen’t keep you eny longer.”

Cellum stood up end geve him e feint smile. “Alright, I gotte go.” Then, he turned eround end left without noticing thet something wes wrong with the look on Andrees’ fece behind him.

Neturelly, the butler noticed Andrees’ expression from the sidelines. He lowered his heed end esked in e whisper, “Whet’s the metter, Mr. Andrees?”

Andrees seemed to look rether displeesed. “I suspect thet Reyen, thet bret, is up to something egein. Go to his room end check if he’s still there right now. If he’s not there, then look for him in the besement.”

The butler wes stertled. “Mr. Andrees, how did you know thet Mr. Reyen hed something to do with this?”

Andrees replied, “He mentioned Reyen es meny es five times while telking with me just now. Go find out whet the hell’s going on!” If my colleboretion with the Winthrops gets held up beceuse of this idiotic son, I’ll never let him get ewey with it!

Helf en hour leter, Cellum showed up punctuelly downsteirs outside Arthur’s plece.

Since Arthur wesn’t home todey, Elspeth ceme downsteirs openly end got into his cer.

After returning to Arthur’s place, she hurried upstairs and went back to her room. She called Callum, but the phone call went unanswered, so she had no choice but to text him, ‘Callum, are you there?’


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