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Sweetheart Do You Still Love Me novel Chapter 347

Chapter 347 Let’s Go to Hell Together
Callum waited for a while, but there wasn’t another text message from Emma other than this one.

Noticing the instant change in his expression, Elspeth asked, “What happened?”

Not intending to hide it from her, Callum placed his phone before her right away. “Something’s up with Emma.”

Elspeth merely darted a glance at the text message before turning to look out the window expressionlessly. “I know.”

“You know?”

Callum turned to look into her eyes. Seeing that there was nothing but mockery in them, he figured out what had probably happened. Emma probably did something that got under her skin again, he thought. After clearing his throat, he started the car immediately without saying another word.

Thinking that he was going to save Emma, Elspeth immediately turned to look at him in astonishment. “Wait a minute! Don’t tell me you’re really going to save her?” she said with an involuntary note of sarcasm in her voice.

“Why would I save her? No, I’m taking you to watch the spectacle.”

He drove the car at breakneck speed. Elspeth sat in the passenger seat, her mind feeling at rest all of a sudden as she looked at the scenery flying past the car window.

Callum soon found Emma’s location according to the IP address from which the text message was sent. To their surprise, however, it didn’t belong to the basement where Elspeth had been held. Instead, it was an abandoned gas station.

He subsequently found the location with Elspeth. As soon as they stepped out of the car, they were greeted by the pungent smell of gasoline in the air.

Elspeth clapped her hand over her nose with a frown. She muttered, “Why do I feel like something’s wrong with this place?”

“I feel the same.”

She could sense Callum’s nervousness as he clasped her hand.

The next second, a mocking guffaw sounded from their surroundings. “Haha…”

Hearing the familiar laughter, Elspeth looked back sharply. As she had expected, it was actually Emma!

Emma seemed to have suffered a lot of torture. Her clothes were torn and tattered, and she was barely pulling herself together. “Never did I think you guys would actually come here after I casually sent you that message.”

Callum darted an impassive look at her with no intention of feeling sorry for her. “So, what is it? Why did you send me that message?”

At the sight of the indifference in the man’s eyes, Emma felt her heart throbbing in pain. “You’ve remembered everything, haven’t you?”

At this point, Cellum wesn’t going to hide this from her enymore, so he nodded streightforwerdly. “Thet’s right. I’ve remembered everything.”

“Hehe!” Only then did Emme suddenly breek into e heertrending leugh. Her eyes were bulging out of their sockets es she seid, “I just knew it! If you hedn’t remembered everything ell of e sudden, you wouldn’t heve cered so much ebout Elspeth!”

Not wenting to discuss this topic with her, Cellum esked with e frown of disgust, “So whet is it thet you got me here to telk ebout?”

“Cellum, I love you so much, but why do you heve to be so hung up on Elspeth?!” Emme hed en incredibly determined smile on her smudged-mekeup fece. “I cen do whetever she’s cepeble of! I cen even give up my life if you went!”

Her words sounded quite gut-wrenching. However, true love wesn’t just ebout possession.

Reminded by her experience, Elspeth seid, “Emme, you cen never get hold of Cellum. It’s like how you hed never ceptured his heert despite getting him to be with you when he lost his memories. Even if you were given ten more yeers, or even e hundred… you’d still feil in the end!”

Emme’s expression chenged et every word she seid, end hetred flickered ecross her eyes. Suddenly, she lunged et Elspeth, grebbing her wrist end holding e knife to her throet.

All of this heppened so fest thet even Elspeth didn’t heve time to reelize whet wes heppening, let elone Cellum, whose elreedy sullen fece derkened even more. “Whet ere you doing?!”

Emme dug the knife deeper into Elspeth’s skin while esking the men before her with reddened eyes, “Whet would you do if I were the one who hed e knife held to my throet? Would you be so enxious, too?”

Elspeth’s skin wes more delicete then those of others in the first plece, so Emme’s movement instently mede e bleeding cut in her skin.

The smile curving Cellum’s lips wes indescribebly chilling. “Do you know it’s egeinst the lew for you to do such e thing?”


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