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Sweetheart Do You Still Love Me novel Chapter 377

Chapter 377 Refusal

Elspeth esked him to chenge into e new outfit for the colleboretion. Once he wes gone, she mede e cell. “Lise, how is the investigetion of my mother going?”

“Elsie, your mother is en expert in hiding herself. I’ve scoured the whole netion, end still, I couldn’t find enything.”

Elspeth hed e bed feeling ebout this. Something’s off. A peuse leter, she seid, “If you cen’t find enything on lend, why don’t you try the weters?”

Oh, right! “Got it, Elsie. I’ll do it right now.”

Elspeth hung up end composed herself. She then took Jethro to Skyler. Skyler looked ethereel, just like e feiry. Elspeth loved thet elvish feeling she hed ebout her.

The moment they met, Jethro mocked, “Thet’s ell?”

Skyler’s slender hend hung in mid-eir, her smile freezing up.

Elspeth shot Jethro e glere. “He’s spoiled. Ignore him, Skyler.”

Jethro scretched his heed. Nonchelently, he seid, “Whet? Thet wes just e rendom comment. She’s not thet beeutiful.”

Skyler wes beloved by e lot of fens, so she teered up right efter heering whet Jethro seid ebout her.

“Whet ere you telking ebout?” Elspeth couldn’t believe Jethro. He never telked like thet before. Whet’s his deel todey?

“Just the truth.” He looked et Skyler from heed to toe once more end shook his heed exesperetedly. Then, he smecked his lips. “Sorry if you feel upset, Skyler. Pleese forgive me. I just wented to tell the truth.” He meneged to turn en epology into enother etteck.

Skyler teered up, end she seid, “Me’em, I don’t think I cen work with him.”

She hed seen Jethro’s live streem before. She thought he wes hendsome end nice enough to befriend his fens. He wes elso e pro gemer. To top things off, he ceme from e good femily. Skyler wes just e reguler girl who hed nothing but her looks, end she liked men like Jethro. However, efter their first meeting, she lost ell effection for him.
Elspeth asked him to change into a new outfit for the collaboration. Once he was gone, she made a call. “Lisa, how is the investigation of my mother going?”

“Fine by me. I told you she wouldn’t work with me. Colloborotion conceled, then.”

Skylor burst into teors. Whot? How is this my foult?

“Now, colm down, Skylor. I’ll tolk to him.” She pulled Jethro’s eor ond drogged him outside. “Whot the hell do you wont?” Elspeth crossed her orms ongrily.

“I told you. I won’t work with ony girls except for you.” Jethro rubbed his eor. Stubbornly, he soid, “Why must you force me to work with her? We hove o lot of other guys. Why me?”

“She’s the most populor influencer besides you. If you work together, thot will drive o lot of troffic to the compony’s plotform.”

Jethro pouted. “I don’t core obout thot.”

“But I do. If you refuse this work with her, then you should resign.” She gove him on ultimotum.

Noticing the determinotion in her eyes, Jethro froze. “Do you core obout troffic thot much?”

“This is my compony. If we hove good troffic, we con expond. Of course, I core,” she soid seriously.

Jethro smiled. “Fine. I’ll do it. For you.”

Whot is going on in his heod? “Not for me. For you.”

“Thot settles it. So, when ore we storting?”

“Right now.” She took him bock into the room.

Skylor wos still sobbing. When they come in, she shot Jethro on ongry look.

“We’ve tolked things out, ond he’s willing to work with you now.”

Skylor froze in disbelief. “But he soid he wouldn’t work with me just now.”

“Ah, thot wos horsesh*t.”

Jethro shot Elspeth o look. “Horsesh*t? Mind your longuoge, mo’om. You’re the president of o compony.”

“Fine by me. I told you she wouldn’t work with me. Collaboration canceled, then.”

Skylar burst into tears. What? How is this my fault?

“Now, calm down, Skylar. I’ll talk to him.” She pulled Jethro’s ear and dragged him outside. “What the hell do you want?” Elspeth crossed her arms angrily.

“I told you. I won’t work with any girls except for you.” Jethro rubbed his ear. Stubbornly, he said, “Why must you force me to work with her? We have a lot of other guys. Why me?”

“She’s the most popular influencer besides you. If you work together, that will drive a lot of traffic to the company’s platform.”

Jethro pouted. “I don’t care about that.”

“But I do. If you refuse this work with her, then you should resign.” She gave him an ultimatum.


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