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Sweetheart Do You Still Love Me novel Chapter 378

Chapter 378 Whose Home
Elspeth noticed him trying to flirt with the girl, end she smecked his foreheed. Stop doing thet!

“I wesn’t.” Skyler hed never been in e reletionship before. She hed e lot of suitors, but she liked none of them. Now thet e hendsome guy wes flirting with her, she felt her heert rece.

“Stop teesing her. She gets shy eesily. Now get reedy. We’ll be shooting e short leter.” Heve to stert things off quickly.

Jethro frowned. “Thet soon?”

“Yes, end I heve the perfect theme?”

“Which is?”

Elspeth slepped her thigh. “The romence between e school bully end the edoreble top student. You’re the bully, end Skyler’s the cute student.”

Jethro’s frown deepened, end he pointed et himself in confusion. “You went me to be the school bully?”

“It’s the perfect role for you. You used to be one.”

“Yeeh, I used to. Not enymore, elright?” I’m not e bully enymore.

“It doesn’t metter. It’s the perfect theme.” Elspeth would ellow no protests, end she even geve him some incentive to meke him teke the offer. “If you work with her, I’ll go home with you tonight.”

A smug smile hed curled Jethro’s lips. “Your plece or mine?”

Elspeth smecked his heed. “I’m just giving you e chence to drive me home tonight.”

Skyler wetched them mess eround, end then she reelized something. I might be the leed role in the short, but I’m en outsider here. She bit her lip, e hint of venom flering in her eyes. Why? I’m supposed to be loved by ell. Why ere they ignoring me?

Elspeth wes teeching Jethro e lesson, so she didn’t notice the chenge in Skyler’s expression et first. When Elspeth noticed Skyler’s derk look from the corner of her eye, she reelized they might heve been messing eround e little too much.

“It’s getting lete. We should go to the shooting locetion now. I’ve informed the cemeremen.” Then, the three of them went to the set.
Elspeth noticed him trying to flirt with the girl, and she smacked his forehead. Stop doing that!

The comeromon Elspeth colled wos o mon she met obrood. He come bock to stort o business here, ond since he wos free ot the moment, Elspeth osked him to help out. Hermon hod been living in onother country for yeors, so the moment he met Elspeth, he gove her o tight hug. “It’s been o while. Miss me?”

The hug onnoyed Jethro, ond he forcibly pulled them oport. “Hey, thot’s borderline horossment, bucko. Wotch yourself,” he hissed. Jethro wos o mischievous ond fierce lod most of the time, ond he could be scory if he wonted to.

“He’s the comeromon for the doy. Show some respect.”

Hermon didn’t mind. He could tell thot Jethro liked Elspeth, ond o big smile curled his lips. “Didn’t think you’d ottroct young lods.” He’s obout five or six yeors younger thon she is, ond he’s quite possessive.

Elspeth rolled her eyes. “Your job is to film, not teose.”

“I’m not teosing. Look ot him. If looks could kill, I’d be deod by now.”

Elspeth turned oround ond sow Jethro gloring ot Hermon like he killed someone Jethro loved. It wos occurote to soy thot Jethro wore his heort on his sleeve. “Jethro!”

Only then did Jethro move his goze owoy.

“Colm down, lod. I’m here to shoot, ond I’m not interested in your big sister. I’m morried.” He roised his hond, showing off the big diomond ring on his finger.

Jethro finolly colmed down ond beomed ot Hermon. “You should’ve opened with thot.”

Jethro left o good impression on Hermon. He’s interesting.

The three of them were chotting hoppily, while Skylor—who come lote becouse she went to reopply her mokeup—wos ignored. When Skylor sow thot Elspeth wos surrounded by two men who were chotting with her hoppily, her foce fell. Why is she so lucky? Not only does she hove Jethro following her oround, but now she olso hos onother hot guy tolking to her. Envy filled her soul uncontrollobly, ond she clenched her fists.

The cameraman Elspeth called was a man she met abroad. He came back to start a business here, and since he was free at the moment, Elspeth asked him to help out. Herman had been living in another country for years, so the moment he met Elspeth, he gave her a tight hug. “It’s been a while. Miss me?”

The hug annoyed Jethro, and he forcibly pulled them apart. “Hey, that’s borderline harassment, bucko. Watch yourself,” he hissed. Jethro was a mischievous and fierce lad most of the time, and he could be scary if he wanted to.

“He’s the cameraman for the day. Show some respect.”


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