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Sweetheart Do You Still Love Me novel Chapter 472

Chapter 472 The Submissive Wife

As obvious as it sounded, Elspeth's explanation was clearly unreasonable, but since Jericho was at her mercy, he didn't dare to complain or fight back.

"Are you sure you're not going to think about it, Mr. Hopper? This is the only request! have."

The only request?

At the same time, Hank, who had been sitting aside all the time, joined the conversation with an emotionless look on his face. "If you prefer to settle this matter formally rather than privately, we could go through proper legal procedures to resolve this issue, but be warned—you're likely going to be sentenced to jail." Hank made himself clear that Jericho would end up behind bars if he didn't agree with Elspeth.

Meanwhile, Jericho was seen smiling all the time, but deep down, he was cursing the two of them for putting him in a dilemma with no favorable options to him. Although Hank and Elspeth were only in their twenties, Jericho was vulnerable against their threat, which was why he didn't dare to show his anger despite his seniority. Darn it! I'm already close to my sixties, and if I go to jail, I don't know whether I'll live long enough to see the day again. Moreover, I'm going to lose everything if I'm sentenced to prison. Rolling his eyes, Jericho reluctantly agreed with Elspeth's request. "How much would you like to have then?"

"15 percent." Elspeth gently blew her fingernails with a smile.

"Oh, come on. You know that's not possible. I personally own 45% of the shares, and you're asking for 15% of them? You might as well just kill me."

"I feel sorry to hear that, Mr. Hopper. I wish your life was worth more than that." Elspeth pursed her lips. While 15 percent might be a significant portion of shareholdings, it was not a lot to Elspeth. Besides, she initially didn't intend to ask Jericho for the shares as she was just trying to joke with him and knock him down to size. Therefore, when Jericho agreed to give her the shares she requested, she was surprised.

"That's not how it works, Miss Lynwood. You can't ask for 15 percent of shares without any prior contribution to our company. This is just outrageous!" Jericho put his words mildly while calling Elspeth's request daylight robbery on the inside. How audacious of her to demand that amount of shares! 5 percent of shares is the most I can tolerate, yet now she is asking 15 percent! Is she trying to take over my company by force or what?

Although Elspeth had no idea what was on Jericho's mind, it was amusing enough for her to witness the dramatic look on the man's face. "If you think this is outrageous, then I guess we'll have no choice but to go through proper legal procedures." She stood up and walked away without hesitation after finishing her sentence. "After all, I won't lose anything either, regardless of the outcome. So, I don't really mind how it ends up. Anyway, I hope you enjoy your new life in a cell. Let's go, Hank."

"Wait! Wait! Wait!" Jericho suddenly found the strength that he had seemingly lost earlier when he collapsed onto the chair and sprang up from his seat. "Alright, I'll take the deal. 15 percent as it is." Fine, it's just 15 percent of the shares, right? I'll give them to you."


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