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Sweetheart Do You Still Love Me novel Chapter 473

Chapter 473 Love Is Blind

"Don't move. Just let me hug you a little longer." Gilbert rested his face on Elspeth's neck as if he was a kid.

Meanwhile, Elspeth quickly realized the inappropriateness of the man's reaction and responded with an unfathomable expression on her face. "Stop it, Gilbert," she said with a soft yet commanding voice. Upon hearing the lady's rejection, Gilbert reluctantly let go of the lady and sulked in disappointment. Fortunately for him, the dim lighting in the bar due to the night made it hard for Elspeth to see the expression on his face.

"You're drunk. Go get some water to sober up." She gazed at his eyes which were filled with burning desires, feeling somewhat uncomfortable with what he just did earlier.

"I'm not drunk. I'm good." He looked like he wanted to explain more, but she quickly cut him short.

"No, you're indeed drunk."

It then dawned on Gilbert that Elspeth was just looking for an excuse to avoid his advances to woo her. "Yeah, yeah. I'm a little tipsy, indeed. I can't believe I just hugged the wrong person."

When Elspeth heard Gilbert's reply, she couldn't help but feel puzzled about what he meant. The next second, the man walked past her and approached an innocent-looking girl standing not far away from her. As soon as the girl Gilbert hugged turned around, Elspeth was stunned the moment their eyes met. Isn't that Isabel? What's she doing in a place like this? Wait a second. I entrusted Gilbert with her myself, didn't I?

"Hey, Elsie. You're here." Isabel's heart skipped a beat in response to Gilbert's unexpected hug. When her eyes met Elspeth's gaze, she seemed as if she didn't know what to say.

"What are you doing here?" Elspeth's tone implied that she was worried and annoyed to see Isabel in a bar.

"Well, Gil said he got a little tipsy and called for me to take him home." Isabel awkwardly smiled.

Then, Elspeth cast an ambiguous look upon Gilbert and spoke in a cold tone. "Did you just say Gilbert needed you to take him home?" She couldn't believe someone like Gilbert would succumb to alcohol and need someone to take him home, although he was quite a good drinker himself.

On the other hand, Isabel appeared to be confused. "It's not like what you think, Elsie. Gil called me..." Is Elsie mad at me or Gil? But why does she care since she already has Mr. Winthrop? Isabel had no idea why Elspeth would bother knowing more about Gilbert and her, but despite her confusion, she decided to clarify her relationship with him. "There is nothing out of the ordinary between us."

"Why are you explaining to her? It's none of her business anyway." Gilbert smiled and caressed Isabel's hair, comforting her.

As the atmosphere was filled with sinister vibes the next few moments, Elspeth was the first to break the silence and announced, "You'll stay with me from tomorrow on."

"Wait, what?" Isabel was stunned before she could make sense of what was going on.

"I said you should stay with me. After all, Gilbert is a man, and I don't think he can take good care of you, so I think you're better off with me than him."


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