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Sweetheart Do You Still Love Me novel Chapter 554

Chapter 554 Even You Think It’s My Fault

"Arthur, don't tell me that you really think you love me." Elspeth found his choice of words amusing. "You only did all of those things for yourself. You're a selfish man. In order to take the Winthrop Family's fortune for yourself, you came up with a plan to harm Callum. As for you saying that you want me, it's only to piss Callum off. Haven't you realized that after all this time?"

Arthur simply wouldn't listen to her explanation at all and only spoke to himself. "Lies, lies, and more lies! I did this all for you; it was all so that I could be with you without any worries!"

"You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make it drink. Don't you understand?"

Arthur guffawed at her words. "I don't care. I will make it drink anyway."

He had completely lost his mind now, and nothing anyone said could affect him.

Seeing that his assistant was about to faint from shock in his arms, Elspeth lowered her voice and asked, "You said you like me, right?"

Arthur did not expect her to ask him this, and he paused for a moment before nodding. "Yes."

"Since you like me, can you switch her out for me?" Elspeth requested, pointing at the sobbing assistant in his arms.

Arthur was just about to agree when he quickly pressed the knife even closer against her neck. "I don't believe you. You're definitely up to something."

Elspeth felt like laughing at his words. "What can I be up to? Look, there's nothing on me." She turned around to show that she carried nothing on her that could harm him before saying, "I'm only worried about this girl. She's timid, so don't scare her anymore."

Despite his doubts, she seemed to make sense.

As Elspeth slowly approached him, Callum suddenly grabbed her wrist.

His expression was somber as he said, "Don't go. He's not in his right mind now, and I can't guarantee that he won't do anything to you."

"Don't worry. I think he'll still listen to what I say."

Although she knew that Arthur did not feel particularly strongly for her and only wanted to use her as a means to get revenge on Callum, she could still sense that he had feelings for her and would not hurt her at the very least.

Hearing that, Callum slowly let go of her wrist and watched as she walked toward Arthur. The moment she reached his side, he instantly shoved his assistant away and pressed the knife against Elspeth's neck. Meanwhile, the assistant was pushed into Edmund's arms, and she clutched his sleeve tightly, nearly losing her footing.

Instead of fearing the knife in his hand, Elspeth asked in a calm voice, "Okay, Arthur, how do you feel now?"

Arthur was a little shocked as well. He hadn't expected that she would be in the mood to ask him how he was feeling at this time.

"Aren't you scared?" he asked in a muffled voice.

"I'm not. Didn't you say you like me? Since you like me, you will definitely not hurt me, so why should I be scared?" Elspeth chuckled with a bright and cheery smile.

Upon seeing her tranquil smile, Arthur was momentarily distracted, and his next words subconsciously slid out of his mouth. "Go out with me, Elspeth. I don't need anything, not even Winthrop Group, and I won't hurt anyone again."


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