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Sweetheart Do You Still Love Me novel Chapter 555

Chapter 555 I’m Not That Patient

"If even you think I'm at fault, then I don't mind going on like this."

Nobody was on his side. Even Elspeth, whom he liked the most, had never given him the time of her day. Arthur could not explain how he felt—there was heartbreak and desperation, but more than that, he felt completely disheartened by Elspeth.

"I was going to let you go." Arthur caressed her face with the knife handle. Though his voice was gentle, each of his words was cutting. "But what you said hurt me too much. Elspeth, you're not worthy of my love."

Instantly, warning sirens sounded in Elspeth's mind, and in the next second, Arthur raised his knife and went straight for her face.

Fortunately, she prepared herself beforehand. Upon seeing his abnormal behavior, she dodged backward. However, as she was tightly trapped in his arms, she couldn't avoid being grazed, and a bright red wound soon appeared on her face, gushing with fresh blood.

Callum instantly felt his heart tighten at the sight of Elspeth's wound. "Arthur, don't be reckless, or I'll never forgive you!"

"What's wrong? Worried about her? You can save her, but only if you fulfill my conditions."

Arthur looked cold and apathetic; it was as if he were devoid of emotion and he waved his knife in the air. As he had trained in martial arts while he was in university, he was decently skilled in combat and his previous moves were enough to show how vicious he was. It was now clear that Arthur's murderous intent had fully emerged.

Callum inhaled deeply before asking, "All right. What are your conditions?"

"First, have all the officers here leave."

Callum's gaze swept across the room, but the surrounding officers did not budge.

"Mr. Winthrop, the convict's mental state is clearly not stable at the moment. We have to stay here to ensure the hostage's safety."

When Arthur heard the word convict, his face instantly darkened to a terrifying extent. "Tell them to leave. Don't make me say it a third time."

Callum said to the police officers coldly, "Everyone, please leave."

"But, Mr. Winthrop—"


Left with no other choice, the officers could only leave, even taking Margot who had difficulty breathing with them as they exited, as well as the person in charge and the assistant who were both paralyzed with fear. Soon, the room was empty except for Callum and the two other brothers of the Winthrop Family.

"I've already done as you said. What else do you want?"

Callum did not want to see Elspeth being taken away and falling into Arthur's grasp for a single second longer.

Elspeth, however, said frantically, "Callum, don't agree to his conditions."

Irritated by her words, Edmund barked at her, "You stupid woman! Can't you just shut your mouth and stand still? Do you know that you're worrying us even more like this?"

What if she provoked Arthur? The sight of him slashing her face with the knife earlier was already a spine-chilling sight. If something else happened, there was no guarantee he could keep himself under control. He might just end Arthur's life then.

Hearing their conversation, Arthur couldn't help but chuckle. "You really are something. Everyone is standing up for you and worrying about your safety; it looks like they like you quite a lot."

Upon saying that, he let out a deep and helpless sigh. "What a shame. The more they're like this, the more you're becoming their weakness, and I can use this chance to do what I wanted to do."

Now, Arthur had finally achieved enlightenment. Things like emotions were simply all lies. Only wealth, power, and resources were important. Even if he still could not forget about Elspeth, he only wanted to use her in exchange for his own benefit.


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