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Taming The CEO The Escaping Wife novel Chapter 130

Chapter 130

Lelitia could even hear the sound of the liquid dripping down the IV tube.

Feeling dead inside, totally listless-that pretty much summed up her current vibe.

Elgin was parked on the couch, laptop perched on his knees, getting down to business.

This was his first time didn’t go to work at the Ramirez Group office since he took it over

All because of Letitia What a shame… she didn’t give a damn though

Elgin was glued to his screen but antsy as hell, couldn’t focus on work. After shooting off a reply to Ranen and dishing out a few orders, his fingers just froze on the keyboard.

Until a message from Samson popped up

“Gin, what’s the deal?”

“Mind your business”

“Letitia awake yet?”


Samson started bombarding him with texts, probing for the scoop, what went down, the current situation. But Elgin wasn’t biting, didn’t answer a single one

He slammed the laptop shut, tossed it aside, and rubbed his temple

Glancing over, there was Letitia, out like a light

She closed her eyes, peaceful and quiet

The drip had something to help her sleep, plus she’d been so wired earlier, burned through a ton of energy.

Elgin went over, tucked her in.

Only when she was snoozing did they have this kind of chill, harmonious vibe between them.

The second she woke up, it was another round of yelling.

“When the heck will you chill out, even just a smidge?” Elgin muttered, checking out her sleeping face, “Just a little would do.”

He turned tail, stepped out of the hospital room.

The moment the door clicked shut, Letitia’s eyes snapped open. She stared at the ceiling, unblinking, for a long time.

Finally, her eyes were screaming for mercy, and she closed them. Her heart ached, breathless.

Elgin’s voice seeped in from outside, hushed and fuzzy, footsteps fading.

Letitia got up, cracked the door open.

“Mrs. Ramirez, the bodyguard startled, “You…

She strode past him, poker-faced.

*Mr. Ramirez said you can’t leave,” the bodyguard blocked her path, “Mrs. Ramirez, you’re weak, please rest up back in your room

Letitia asked, “What if I really want to leave?”

“Mrs. Ramirez. don’t make this tough on us.”

Letitia went quiet. She could be headstrong, go toe-to-toe with Elgin, but not at these guys’ expense. They were just following orders

“Oh, Letitia nodded, “I wanted some fruit, nothing major.”

The bodyguard perked up, “Ill get some pronto, what do you fancy?”


“Got it. Hang tight, Mrs Ramirez.

Letitia returned to her room, and soon enough, a hefty basket of fresh fruit was heaped on the cabinet.

“I want a peeled apple, Letitia said, “Where’s the fruit knife?”

“Right here.”

Perched on the sofa, Letitia slowly peeled the apple, “Where’s Elgin?”

The bodyguard shook his hetid, “We don’t pry into Mr. Ramirez’s whereabouts.”

Uliapter 130

“Lend me your phone, Пl call him.”


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