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Taming The CEO The Escaping Wife novel Chapter 126

Chapter 126

Elgiri wouldn’t utter a word about it

Otherwise. Hawley would probably faint, or at the very least, his blood pressure would shoot through the roof and he’d be out cold for days.

‘Grandpa, why do you care so much about this kid?” Elgin slowly started. “I’ll have more kids in the future.”

The moment Hawley heard this, he blew his top. “Future? Will I even see the future? I’ll be six feet under by then, and even if you popped out ten, I wouldn’t see a single one!”

Then I just take their pictures to your grave.

“You” Hawley clutched his chest. “You’re trying to give me a heart attack! Elgin, I’m asking for one tiny favor, can’t you just grant me


Phedra kept smoothing things over, trying to calm him down, Your health is what matters, the surgery is still going on, and we don’t have the results yet. Don’t scare yourself.”

“Didn’t you hear what Elgin said!

“That’s not what the doctor said though.” Phedra replied, “Come on, let’s wait for the surgery to finish.

Then again, with her usual fake concern, she asked, “What happened to Letitia, anyway? She’s been fine, right? After all those health checks and all the supplements we’ve been sending her as nourishment, why’s she in the OR?”

Elgin answered nonchalantly, “She’s just not meant to have this child.”

Hearing this, Hawley was ready to hit the roof, “What do you mean not meant to?!”

“Grandpa, I know you want to have a great-grandchild. Once Letitia’s health is back on track, we’ll try for another baby.”

After a pause, Elgin added, “If all goes well, it could be this year.”

After all, the Ramirez family is loaded. They can afford the best doctors, nannies, and maternity nurses to take turns pampering and caring for Letitia.

It’s not like he had any fertility problem. He was in the prime of his life.

So having a child should be a piece of cake, right?

His kid with her… that’s gonna be AquaCity’s most pampered child.

“You… you’re not even panicking or sad? Hawley sensed something was off, “That’s your child, don’t you feel a thing?”

Elgin didn’t respond, just kept looking at the clock.

The doctor said it would be about an hour. It’s almost time.

Phedra was also feeling antsy, more and more confused by the situation.

Even if Elgin detested Letitia, considering her the enemy’s daughter, the child was still his flesh and blood. Why was Elgin showing no emotion at all?

Seems like he’s really got a heart of stone, to be this indifferent even to his own child.

No wonder he’s in charge of the Ramirez family. You’ve got to be cold-hearted to stay on top of the power game.

Phedra thought to herself, my son’s got to pick up some of this ruthlessness!

Hawley was sighing left and right, looking a decade older as he sat on the bench.

Elgin wanted to say that the kid wasn’t his, nor did it belong to the Ramirez family.

But then he thought better of it… Forget it

Saying that would only lower Letitia’s standing in grandpa’s eyes even more

He still had plans for her, given her unique status.

Phedra felt like laughing, but had to hold it in, she didn’t want to give herself away, so she had this weird look on her face.

“Forget it, forget it, it’s just my old bones that aren’t up to it,” Hawley got up, “Let’s go, I should head back. I can’t sit here waiting for the doctor to deliver bad news… my heart can’t take it

“Father, maybe you should wait, just in case.”

What in case is there left.”

Phedra held him back, “It’s almost time.”.

She wasn’t about to leave just like that, not until she heard the doctor say “they couldn’t save the baby’ with her own cars. That would put

Chapter 126 1

Chapter 126 2


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