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Taming The CEO The Escaping Wife novel Chapter 129

Chapter 129

“Letitia, you’ve gotta have a thing for the kid’s dad, right?” he said, “That’s why you’re making such a big deal out of this! You wanna have babies for him, stay in touch, and you’re itching for the day you two can shack up together, aren’t you?”


“Say it again!”

“Yes, yes!” Letitia went all in. Screw it, she thought. If he’s not gonna believe the truth, might as well play his game and tick him off!

“The kid’s dad said he’d marry me, and I’m waiting for him!” Letitia blurted out. “He’s sweet to me, cares about me, he promised me a future! Compared to you, he’s a thousand, no, a million times better!”

Elgin’s temples bulged with veins, “You’re just trying to tick me off, Letitia!”

She scoffed and curled her lip. “Can’t handle a bit of talk, huh

And what about her? She lost her child.

Letitia’s hands trembled non-stop as she slowly covered her now flat belly.

it was fiat as before, but she knew the child was there, alive and well with her.

But now…the baby was gone, nothing left

The child was her reason to keep on living, and Elgin snuffed it out with his own hands

Now, the only thing Letitia had left to care about was her aging parents

But her parents will get old and one day they’ll leave her too.

Then she’ll be all alone, no strings attached, no one to hold anything over her.

Elgin stood by the bedside, looking down at her. “Letitia, you sure you wanna go head-to-head with me?”

She ignored him, her palms gently stroking her belly, pretending the child was still there.

“You have two choices, Elgin said. “You better play smart and pick the easy path.”

“What choices?”

“One, live a good life with me, as a real husband and wife. Or two, hate me, defy me, and your life will only get tougher.”

Even a blind man would know which road to take when the choices are so stark.

*Real husband and wife, those words meant wealth and honor, all the perks that came with being Mrs Ramirez. But Letitia couldn’t do


She couldn’t let go of the hate, forget everything, and live meekly and without dignity at Elgin’s side like a pet canary, like his pet.

She wasn’t the kind of woman to live off someone else, that wasn’t the life she wanted’

“And if I choose the second option?” Letitia looked him in the eye. “I won’t walk the easy path you’ve laid out for me, I’ll take that second choice.

“Letitia, you’re biting the hand that feeds you!”

The one who’s biting the hand is you!” she retorted, her head held high. “I’ve given ground over and over, only asking to give birth to the child, just wanting him to live, even if I never see him… but you just had to crush all my hope!

“Only this way, we can…”

“No we! There’s no ‘we’!’ Letitia cut him off. “Elgin, I am me, and you are you, not us!”

It was a strong rejection.

Elgin had never been rejected like this! His hands by his side clenched and unclenched.

Letitia struggled to sit up from the hospital bed, the blanket sliding off to reveal her patient gown, making her look even paler.

“You never asked if I wanted this, Letitia said. “Elgin, it’s always about you, your feelings, making everyone do as you please…”

“Now let me make it clear, I won’t listen to you. We are enemies, sworn enemies for life!*

Chapter 129 1

Chapter 129 2


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