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The Almighty Dragon General novel Chapter 7239

The Gate of Anonymous had expanded and stretched until its ends were completely out of sight.

Suddenly, the Anonymous Light emitted from the gate grew brighter.

The Waitara Pathʼs soul spirit widened his eyes upon noticing the change. At the same time, he was devoured by the light.

When he blinked, the Waitara Pathʼs soul spirit found himself transported to an entirely different space.

The beautiful, green landscape stretched before his eyes. He could also see various creatures roaming freely in that serene and peaceful space.

The Waitara Pathʼs soul spiritʼs face darkened. “Are you going to confine me here, James?”

“Itʼs dangerous out there. I canʼt let a soul spirit wander outside recklessly.”

James produced a bottle of Chaos Absinthe. “Besides, I canʼt let you go around in that appearance. Iʼm the one who will lose face if you do anything rash out there.”

The Waitara Pathʼs soul spirit was momentarily stunned upon hearing his words.

Meanwhile, James lifted his hand and conjured a huge light orb in front of the Waitara Pathʼs soul spirit.

An image was displayed on the light orb. The Waitara Pathʼs soul spirit could see from the image the place where he and James were talking earlier.

However, there were several other people gathered over the spot at the moment.

Thea, Morgott, Yianni, and Harper were shown in the image. Other than a few of them, Taichu, Lord Goyo, and the other three Path Emperors were there as well.

All of them were scanning their surroundings with wary and grim looks on their faces.

Emperor Cosimeon started, “I sensed a powerful and familiar aura earlier. How come itʼs gone now?”

“I felt it too.” Yiulia said in a low voice, “It was the aura of someone who once dominated the entire Haleth Realm.”

“Heʼs back.” Taichuʼs eyes narrowed. “Heʼs the only one with an aura like this.”

Chapter 7239 1


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