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The Almighty Dragon General novel Chapter 7240

“Sheʼs warning you! It seems she doesnʼt trust you that much,” said the Waitara Path’s soul spirit.

James remained silent. With a mental command from him, the light orb with the image disappeared.

“James, donʼt you see it?” The Waitara Pathʼs soul spirit fixed his gaze on James. “She may have been your second body and helped you a lot.

“The two of you may have been through countless life and death moments. Yet, it doesnʼt change how you two are fundamentally different.

“Sheʼs the Soremsia of a Caeloros God of Nothingness, whereas you are a Historial being.

“You were born from the Historial Daoism which was a violation against the Forty-Nine Daoisms created by the Caeloros Gods.

“Sheʼs not trying to exterminate me. Instead, sheʼs trying to get rid of the Historial Daoism, which is your root and origin!

“You two would never be able to coexist! So, how could you let her stay on your team?”

Despite the Waitara Pathʼs soul spiritʼs long speech, James appeared unruffled as he downed the bottle of Chaos Absinthe.

The Waitara Pathʼs soul spirit sighed and nodded. “You took me into the Gate of Anonymous to protect me instead of taking me as a prisoner. I am grateful for that.

“This showed that I was right about you.

“After coming out of the Wuia Demon-Slayer Sword, I could have stayed hidden and waited until my Soremsia succeeded in returning.”

The Waitara Pathʼs soul spirit raised his voice, “However, I took the risk and came to the Forty-Ninth Heaven to see you.

“Itʼs because I know youʼre a smart man. You wonʼt let any divine beings manipulate you. You donʼt want to become their slave.” He continued, “You and I are very alike. You tried hard to defy your destiny.

“Through your relentless effort, the Spiritual Providence came to exist. You became the lord of all living beings and enjoyed the glory that came with the position.

“I seem to lack a bit of luck when compared to you. Iʼm trying my best to resist those peopleʼs oppression and manipulation.

“The Haleth Realm came into existence because of me. Why should everyone, including me, be subjected to their Daoisms and rules? Is this fair? Can you really call this Dernaturae?”

Chapter 7240 1

Chapter 7240 2

Chapter 7240 3


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