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The Alpha King Is My Second Chance Mate novel Chapter 73

Dropping her bags on the floor, she flicked the switch on, staggering back when numerous people shouted out. “Happy birthday!”

Her eyes widened in surprise as she looked around, finding Zayd grinning in the midst of the room with Dantae, Frederick and Joshua by his side. However, there was one other person in the room, an unexpected guest that she knew all too well.

The strands of gray hair that blended in with the black seemed to have increased now, and he was smiling; faintly…looking so happy and yet so sad.

When he looked at her with those hopeful brown eyes, Quinn gasped, taking another step back only to collide into Marcia. This…what was he doing here?

What was her father doing here?

Her lips wobbled as she tried to ask the question, she was utterly flabbergasted, and despite seeming the same, the old man clapped his hands and started singing. “Happy birthday to you…happy birthday to you…”

Everybody else around her joined in, and Quinn took the time to look around with her wide green eyes at her room. It was decorated beautifully with forest green balloons that bounced above her bed, and scattered on the white sheet that covered the mattress was black and green confetti. There were streamers streaming down her wall; same black and green theme, and her eyes glanced at the cake in the center of her bed…

So, it is October 7th today? It was this day…? Her birthday?

Quinn tried to smile as the song came to an end, but her eyes kept glancing from the green LED lights to her father, who stood beside them. “I…t-thank you…”

Her heart was beating fast…and she could feel her eyes watering. “Father…w-what are you…? How did…? Why are you here?”

“Sweetheart I…” Before he could finish, Zayd stepped in front. “I allowed him to stay…we decorated the room together…although Larna might’ve helped. I wasn’t sure which other colors you liked which is why I chose green as the theme, and as for why he’s here, he has something to tell you.”

Quinn harshly swiped her fingers across her eyes, clearing it of the tears before they could fall. “What?”

“How about we enjoy the night first before getting into that…? We could cut the cake and drink some wine and then~”

“No…I want to hear it…whatever it is Derrick has to say.”

Zayd pinched the bridge of his nose with a sigh. “Alright…we’ll give you guys space…I’m outside if you need me.” He walked through the door and everybody else followed, leaving just Quinn and Derrick in the room.

He looked away from her, swallowing loudly in the silence. “So uh…You haven’t ever called me Derrick since the day you said your first word…and hearing you say it just now…it makes me feel…it breaks my heart, Quinn.”

Quinn clenched her jaws. “Why should I call you dad or father when I’m not even sure if we’re truly related? You lied to me about Kathrine being my mother, who’s to say you didn’t lie about being my father too?”

His eyes flashed towards her then; wide and full of pain. “I never lied to you. I am your father and Kathrine…she is your second mother.”

“And who’s the first? Who is my real mother, Derrick?”



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