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The Alpha King Is My Second Chance Mate novel Chapter 74

A sob climbed up her throat and her hands fell lifeless at her sides. “Today isn’t a happy day, Zayd…how could you wish me a happy birthday?”

“It might be so, but it’s still your birthday, Quinn…how could I not wish for it to be happy?”

“Did you hear it? Did you hear what my father said?”

“I’ve known since last night when he just came…he told me everything and I then told him to tell you the truth.”

“I’d been curious for a while now…” Quinn sniffled. “I’d questioned myself about this truth, buried my head in multiple scenarios, but after finally hearing everything, I wish I hadn’t been curious…I wish I was still clueless…I honestly wish he hadn’t said a word.”

“That’s cowardly…but I get it. Knowing the truth made it all the more painful for you, and I understand why. However, you can’t keep living behind a lie, it’s time for you to face reality; no matter how harsh it may be. I know you’re struggling, I know no matter how hard I try to make you happy, you’re not. I wanted to make you feel like you belong here, but I doubt you do. It bothers me, Quinn…the fact that you’re not happy saddens me as well.”

“So you expect me to be happy today? To grin and drink wine and eat cake as though my mother’s life wasn’t sacrificed for me to be here? I didn’t even get the chance to meet her, Zayd.”

“I didn’t say that. I meant~”

“You have your mother, Zayd and she loves you. I have no mother, and Kathrine who was supposed to be my only shot at actually having a mother, tried to kill me because she thought I was better than her daughter. You’re lucky you have a family; a sister that desperately awaits your return whenever you leave, a mother and a father that look out for you, friends and pack members that look up to you…but what do I have? I barely have a family, my whole pack hates me for a reason I don’t even know. How am I supposed to be happy?”

“You have me, Quinn…why can’t you let all of that go? Forget about them, pretend as though that stupid excuse of a pack didn’t exist. How will you heal if you keep lamenting? How will you be happy if you don’t try?”

“I do try…and sometimes I am. When I’m with you, I’m happy…you’re my only escape, but it seems my life has been cursed since birth. Kathrine might’ve poisoned mom…but I finished her off. I can try being happy any other day, but not today. My mother died years ago today and four years back today was when I found out I’d been mated to Jeo…this day, it’s curse; I’m cursed.”

“Why not? Why can’t you be happy on this day? Her sacrifice will go in vain. She died so you could live. Even if it had been for a second, I bet she’d been happy to have a brought a life into the world. I’m sad she died, but I’m happy you were born…it’s all thanks to her that I got to meet such a beautiful soul.” His arms fell from around her waist, and she turned to face him. “And forget about that idiot, his importance has diminished to nothing. Everything about him irritates me, even his name. He will reap what he sowed; karma will give him a hundred times more pain than that which he gave you. But on the bright side, if he hadn’t been a f*cking idiot, I wouldn’t have gotten the chance to meet you. I’m glad he f*cked up, glad that I have you…after all, your name is Quinn…but I regard you as my Queen.”

“But today…”




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