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The Alpha’s Contract (Taylor West) novel Chapter 111


“Look, it’s down to you. “Jenson mutters. “All the elderly and youngsters have relocated.”

“It’s been a week!” I snap. I was fully expecting Trey to have attacked by now. Yet there was nothing, no stray Lycans, no threats, nothing. I didn’t like it.

“They can sweep the forest again.” Jenson suggests.

“They are looking in the trees?”

He snorts, “Of course, we are not making that mistake again.”

My eyes move to the calendar on the wall. The next full moon was looming.

“You think they will attack then?” Eric murmurs. He had been quiet, listening to me and my brother’s heated discussion.

“When are we most likely not going to be here?” I sigh, “It’s exactly what Devon did. He waited until we were gone. He took out the few guards I had stationed around the house. He almost took Neah.” The very thought of almost losing her that night made me sick to my stomach.

“Others should have arrived by then.” Jenson tells me. We have put in the call.”

“They will need to run too.”

“Then I will stay with her.” Jenson offers.

Eric and I stare at him. I still didn’t like the idea of him being alone with my mate. Only now, I was certain Neah would be able to defend herself, but that didn’t mean I wanted her to kill my brother.

“You need to run too. The moonlight empowers us.”

He slowly nods his head at me. “But I don’t need it as much as you. You are the Alpha, you need to lead the pack and I am an excellent fighter.”

“One Lycan took you down.” Eric muses

Aero’s laugh rattles in my skull at Eric's words. ‘It’s the same each and everytime.’

“Hey, I was trying to defend Neah and my sister!” Jenson scowls at Eric “Out of all of us, and after you,” he points at me. “I am the next best thing.”

“Really?” Eric cocks an eyebrow, “You want to test that theory.”


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