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The Alpha’s Contract (Taylor West) novel Chapter 112

Eric pins Jenson down, sitting on his chest with his knees dug into Jensons shoulders. “Do you give up?”

Jenson bares his teeth, “Never.”

Eric digs his knees in more and Jenson winces but he still tries fighting back. I had to give it to him, he wasn’t someone who backed down from a fight.

“I’m sorry Jenson. You lost.” I call out

He thumps the ground with his fist and relaxes. “Fine.”

“Happy?” I whisper to Neah

She nods her head and whispers. “I need to talk to you.”

Her hand links with mine and she pulls me to the house and into my office. Her hand drops from mine and she sits in her usual spot, only this time she doesn’t pull her legs up to her chest.

“Is everything okay?”

“There is a flaw in your plan.” She doesn’t hold back. “You said and Raven said that you would be able to scent that I’m pregnant, that my hormones will change.”

“I did.”

“What about the guests? They will be able to tell that I’m not.”

“We still have a couple of days.”

“And if I’m still not?”

“Then we tell them your Lycan half is masking your scent.” I lean against my desk, watching her. “Who would have thought that you would be concerned that you are not carrying my heir?”

Exactly two days later, I smell the subtle changes in her lavender scent. Neah was curled up asleep, hugging a pillow as I showered. The moment I turned the water off, I could smell the change.

Walking over to her, I was half tempted to wake her and tell her the news. Instead I settle for sliding my hand between her and the pillow and resting it on her flat stomach, enjoying that I was the first to know.

‘Well, it finally happened.’ Aero muses. ‘Years we have been waiting for this.’

I agree, but I also internally sigh. ‘It was a pregnancy of convenience.’

‘Doesn’t matter. It is still our pup. Neah will be a great mother, if anything, her past trauma will make sure of that.’

‘I hope you are right.’

Pulling the blanket up around her, I quickly dress. Raven would be the first that I would tell, after all, she is the pack doctor and my baby sister.

“You have to tell him.” I hear Raven as I push the door open

“He is your brother!” Klaus’s words come out in a rushed whisper.

“And he is our Alpha. It doesn’t matter who tells him, he needs to know.”


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