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The Alpha’s Contract (Taylor West) novel Chapter 125


Three days it took to burn all the dead. Three days is how long Trey had been in my dungeons, still clinging to life. Three days where Neah hadn’t spoken a word about what had happened.

She sits in her usual chair in my office, nibbling on a ginger biscuit. Madame Curie had been right about them and it was finally settling her stomach enough to eat decently. Though today, instead of her legs pulled up to her chest, they are crossed under her.

Her dark hair hangs around her face and she seems content, but I had a million burning questions about the prick in my dungeons.

“I can kill him.” I mutter, without looking up. “If that’s what you are having an issue with, I can handle it.”

She doesn’t answer me.

“Neah, why did you let him live? You killed his mate.”

She sighs, “He needs to suffer. Why couldn’t they say no to my order?”

The question takes me by surprise. I thought she knew why.

“You were their Alpha. That’s why you could order them. It’s different with Wolves. As you know a Blood bond can mean you respond to two Alphas. There are also cases where Wolves can seek refuge in another pack and pledge themselves to that Alpha. You are the last living Lycan Alpha. There was no one else that they could obey. They had no choice.”

“Right.” she mutters, picking up another biscuit

“And the sooner we kill Trey, the sooner the other Alpha’s can leave.”

She looks up at me with a frown.

“They were called here to protect you and the pups, under obligation of their contracts. Trey is still alive, which means there is a threat still present. They won’t leave until it’s been dealt with.”

“I’m not ready.”

They were not the words I was expecting to hear.

I stare at her, unable to read her mind. Nyx was still blocking me out, making it impossible to read her properly.

“You are not ready?” I ask softly as she frowns

“You are going to think I’m mad.”

“He is the last tie you have to Moonshine. Or rather, your parents.” I had been trying to figure out why she was keeping him alive, especially when she hadn’t even been down there to see him. This was the only answer I could come up with.

“See, stupid.” she mutters

“They destroyed you. They beat you, they starved you, they let the pack abuse you.”

“I know!” She snaps at me

“You are struggling with giving up the idea of the life you could have had. The life you now have here. Where you are loved, where you have friends, where you have adopted a sister who adores you.”

Her lips tug up at the corners. “My life is messy.”

“And I wouldn’t have met you if it wasn’t. But maybe it is time to close the door on your messy past and focus on the future and the pups you are carrying.”


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