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The Alpha’s Contract (Taylor West) novel Chapter 126


It was never ending.

Secret after secret, being revealed like it was some kind of game.

The dungeon is filled with choking sounds and I look up to see Dane with his arms stretched through the bars, his hands are locked around Trey’s throat. Squeezing him until Trey’s lips begin to turn blue.

His body spasms and his hands fall from the bars. His mouth opens and closes like a fish but no sound comes out. His eyes slowly bulge from their sockets as Dane uses his strength to crush Trey’s throat.

‘It’s time.’ Nyx mutters. ‘It’s time to finish him for good.’

Stepping forward, I stretch my hand through the bars as long, sharp claws sprout from my fingertips. My hand makes contact with his chest. Slowly, my claws pierce his flesh with ease, slipping through the layers of skin and muscle until they touch his heart.

I hover for a few moments, staring into the eyes of the man that had caused me so much grief and pain.

Not once had he apologised. Even now, seconds away from death, he stares back at me, ignoring the Wolf crushing his windpipe.

His voice appears in my head. ‘Go ahead. I have been waiting. I knew this day would come.’

‘What do you mean?’ I mumble through the link

‘I knew I would die once you had found yourself. Once you had realised your true position.’

He splutters as my claws sink a little deeper, piercing the edges of his heart.

“Goodbye Trey.” I mutter, as my claws dive into his heart.

This time I keep them there. Watching the light disappear from his eyes. Feeling the heart fight around my claws as it leaks blood.

Dane releases him and he takes a hollow breath that sounds like an old door opening.

What I didn’t expect was for Trey to grab my wrist, forcing my claws in deeper.

His eyes close and more empty gasps of air creep from his throat until there is silence.

His heart had stopped fighting, his lungs had stopped demanding air. The only thing keeping him upright were my claws.

Pulling my hand free, his body hits the cement floor with a crack. Blood quickly pools around him and a tear leaks from my eye. I had finally closed the door on my past.

Dane carries Trey's body outside. He dumps it on the grass as Klaus appears with a box of matches and a small can of fuel.

I watch in silence as Klaus drowns the body and lights a match. He looks at me for confirmation and I nod my head.


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