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The Alpha’s Contract (Taylor West) novel Chapter 168


“You don’t get to fucking tell me how I should feel.” I jab a crutch in Damien’s direction.

“Raven, I don’t do that anymore. I haven’t done it for a long time.”

“And what if a deer isn’t good enough for you? What if whatever we hunt on a pack run isn’t good enough? Will you disappear into the city to get a human fix? Will you lure a human to their death because I have not got the patience or the desire to deal with that."

"I have a brother who right now might be losing the plot over his dead mate. I have a pregnant friend who is probably receiving some of the worst news she has heard in a while. And an ex mate that is loose in the pack and could be coming after me to fuck up my other leg. So stop telling me how I should feel!”

My shoulders rise and fall with my heaving breathing. My heart hammers in my chest as he stares at me. It was all too much. The drips of information. The secrets. Is this what it would always be like?


“Stop, just, stop.” I stamp one of the crutches on the ground to prove my point, almost losing my balance in the process.

‘I’m mad too!’ Midnight snaps

Damien narrows his eyes at me.

I drop my shoulders and shake my head. “There is nothing you can say to me right now, Damien. I…I just can’t right now.”

I turn, ready to hobble to the kitchen. He grabs me, pulling me back around to face him as the crutches fall to the floor. “You don’t get to walk away. If we are going to argue, we are going to find a solution before either of us walk away.”

“You don’t get to decide that.” My hands push against his chest but he holds me tight, refusing to let go.

His dark eyes roam my face, yet his grip never changes. It seemed like forever before he spoke again. “Go on then, walk away.”

I couldn’t. I couldn’t move or maybe I didn’t want to.

“Not so easy, is it?” He whispers in my ear.

“Promise me. Promise me you will never lure a human to their death. Promise me that you will never feed on one again.”


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