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The Alpha’s Contract (Taylor West) novel Chapter 169

“I know.” He nibbles on my ear lobe again and lifts me off the ground with one arm, draping me over his shoulder while bending to grab my crutches.

Damien quickly scales the stairs, taking two at a time. His hand wrapped around my ass as the tips of his fingers remain against my throbbing pussy.

“Finally alone.” He mutters, lowering me to my feet. His hand quickly returns to the back of my head. Knotting up in my hair as he slams his lips against mine. A low growl rumbles from his throat.

Letting go of my hair, he pulls my tee up and over my head, tossing it to one side. He spends a moment with his eyes roaming over my black lace bra and to the ropey scar that runs along my right shoulder and down towards my right breast.

“What happened?” He asks in a low voice.

“It was a long time ago. I don’t really remember.”

He traces a finger along it. “You have Alpha blood, you can heal quickly.”

“It was before I had Midnight. I landed on glass, I think. I’m not really sure. I was five, maybe six.”

He doesn’t respond, instead his lips leave little sparks of electricity along the scar as he makes his way towards my breasts.

His fingers graze my nipples through the black lace of my bra. His touch has them hardening in seconds and Damien leans down to suck each one through the fabric. The heat from his tongue has them hardening until they are painful.

As a moan escapes my lips, he pulls the fabric away, taking a bare nipple into his mouth and rolls it between his teeth.

I was desperate for his fingers to slip inside my shorts, to slide between my folds, but he keeps them away, teasing every urgency from me as the dampness between my thighs grows.

He stops to pull off his own black tee, muscle upon muscle with perfect definition. The tribal tattoos travelled further than his neck too. Running down over his shoulders and chest and disappearing under the waistband of his jeans.

Pressing himself back against me, I feel his hardened length, swelling in his jeans and pushing up against my thigh.

His hand finally slips inside my shorts, but he keeps it on the outside of my thong, circling two fingers right above my entrance.

“Damien.” I whisper, throwing my head back with frustration. I wanted his fingers inside of me. I wanted him to make me orgasm.


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