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The Alpha’s Contract (Taylor West) novel Chapter 170


“Where did he take her?” I demand as I step out through the back door into the pitch black of night. I had no idea what time it was, but the adrenaline was pumping through me anyway. Several guards move closer, yet keep their attention on the surrounding area.

“I don’t know.” Dane mutters back, grabbing my wrist to stop me. “Just let him be, there is nothing you can do.”

“Maybe I can save her….”

“Neah she isn’t dying, she isn’t hanging on to life by a strand. She is dead. Salem tore her heart out.”

My heart plummets. A part of me had hoped he was wrong, that Jenson had taken Jess to find a way to help her. “He took…. He took her heart?”

“Among slicing her up pretty bad.”

I feel Nyx’s sorrow along with my own. Jess was just a kid. She was family. She was like me. She had helped me see what I could do.

“Why?” A single tear rolls down my cheek. I don’t even try to fight the flood that's about to come. I’m so angry. “Why would he do that to her?”

“I don’t know. I thought his end game was to get at Damien, but he has nothing to do with Jess.”

“You said she let him out.”

“According to Roan.”

‘We can speak to him!’ Nyx murmurs. ‘We need to know why Jess was down there!’

I nod my head in agreement and repeat the words to Dane.


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