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The Alphas prize novel Chapter 16

Cain POV:

We were at the ceremony; everything was going great, Freja looked absolutely breathtaking, and I thanked the goddess that she had granted me with her as my mate. I was dancing with Freja, enjoying this moment we were having, when Eve, mind linked with me, saying there was a problem that needed my immediate attention. Reluctantly, I left my mate on the dance floor; my wolf stirred frantically, not wanting to part with her.

I found Eve within seconds, leaning against the far wall and waiting for me. She was standing there, trying to look sexy, but she just looked desperate.

I approached her and begrudgingly asked, “What’s the problem?”

“Cain, can we talk, please? In private?” She looked saddened and worried about something.

I hesitated and searched her face. “Yes, but only for a moment.” I had a feeling she was up to something.

She led me into a room near the back of the hall and slightly closed the door. Eve swayed over to me, shaking her hips seductively. My wolf huffed in annoyance, and I did too. This woman was wasting my time with her stupid games.

“What do you want, Eve? What is so important?” I wanted to get this over with and get back to Freja.

Eve pouted and batted her lashes. “I miss you, Cain; I miss us.” She said as she grazed her hand along my chest. My lip twitched in disgust from her touch, and I pulled back from her. The hurt etched on her face was priceless.

I straightened my suit “Eve, I will not tell you again. Freja is my mate, and we are done. So why is it you can’t accept that?”

“Because I don’t want to accept that. I love you, Cain and what we had was beautiful. I can’t just let that go.” She appeared more and more desperate with each word.

I groaned in annoyance. “I don’t love you anymore, Eve, and it’s in your best interest to let things go and get over it. Find someone else and move on.” Finally, I was done with this conversation and with her. I tried to move past her to leave the room, but she blocked my path, placing her hands on my chest again.

Eve gazed into my eyes with lust and attraction. “Cain, make love to me one more time, and I promise I’ll never bother you again; I’ll find someone else and move on.” She begged me.

I arched an eyebrow. Was she fucking serious? Did she actually think that I would betray my mate like that? My face scrunched up in disgust.

She gripped my shirt tightly. “Cain, please just one last time? That’s all I ask?” Eve whined as she clung to my shirt desperately.

I shoved her hands away from me, releasing my shirt from her grip. “No, Eve, I won’t do it,” I said, becoming very annoyed at this point.

She cocked an eyebrow. “You haven’t even marked her yet. So, there wouldn’t be any consequences, and from what I’ve heard, she won’t let you mark her.” Eve said arrogantly.

I grabbed her by the arms. “Who told you that?” I asked as anger coursed through my veins. Someone had been telling her things that were none of her business.

Eve waved me off. “It doesn’t matter, please just once more?” She pleaded again.

I let her arms go and looked down at her. Eve’s features were so stricken with sadness and desperation; I almost felt sorry for her. Although I’ll admit, at one time, I did love Eve; what we had was great, and at one point in our time together, I had thought about marking her and making her my Luna, as I thought I would never find my mate. But, that was all in the past now, I finally found my mate and my Luna.

Eve gazed into my eyes, then stood on her tippy toes and captured my lips with hers. I froze, shocked she did this, surprised at her boldness and bravery. She wrapped her leg around my waist, and on instinct, I gripped her leg to steady her and placed my other hand on her back. Eve deepened the kiss, drinking me in, and for a brief moment, I had lost myself within her, lost myself in the memories we shared together.

Suddenly, I heard a gasp come from the doorway. My head whipped towards the noise, only to see Freja standing there. She had just witnessed me and Eve kissing and having an intimate moment. Fuck! The look of betrayal on her face was evident and heartbreaking; she will never forgive me for this. Before I could do or say anything, she bolted from the scene. I called out for her, but it was too late, and she was gone. I looked down at Eve, who was staring at the doorway with a cynical grin on her face. Fucking bitch! So, this was her plan all along.

I gripped her arms tightly. “Was this your plan? Huh, Eve? To lure me in here in hopes of Freja catching us? So, you could destroy things between her and me in hopes of getting me back. You are fucking done. I Alpha Cain Ryker, hereby banish you from the Dead Pack.” I tossed her away from me before I snapped her fucking neck.

Eve’s eyes widened. “What? Cain, no, please, I’m so sorry.” She said as she fell to her knees, tears now streaming down her stricken face. I ignored Eve and her hysterics as I bolted from the room, chasing after Freja, but she was nowhere to be seen, and her scent was faint among all the other wolves.

I spotted my brother and rushed towards him. “Calyx, have you seen Freja?”

“Yea, she just ran out that door a minute ago, looking rather troubled. What happened? Is she ok?” He asked me with concern lacing his tone.

I didn’t respond to him, as I needed to find her and explain things. So instead, I ran outside and dashed for the woods, her scent becoming stronger now. My wolf started to pace, wanting to be freed, but I knew it wouldn't end well if I released him in this state.

I kept running through the woods, following her scent. Finally, I stopped in my tracks when I heard voices. One of the voices was Freja’s, the other I didn’t recognize. Who is she talking to?

I couldn’t understand what they said, so I crept closer, not wanting to spook them. Then, suddenly, the voices ceased as I rounded the tree that blocked my view. That’s when I saw Freja’s limp body in the arms of the same vampire from the other night.

My blood began to boil. “Freja!” I roared.

The vampire looked my way, winked at me and then was gone. I immediately shifted into my wolf and began chasing him down, but he was fast and challenging to keep up with, despite my abilities. My paws thudded heavily against the cool forest floor as I continued the chase, but soon, he was no longer in my sight, and his scent was nearly gone.

I had lost them and lost her; this was all my fucking fault; I should never have trusted that stupid bitch Eve. I mind linked with my brother and the pack warriors to gather in my office immediately. I needed to come up with a plan and collect myself. I have to find her and bring her home, alive!

Freja POV:

I woke with a pounding headache; the smell of dampness and cold surrounded me. Where the fuck am I? It hurt to open my eyes; my body felt weak and drained. I looked around the room, trying to move, but I was tied to a chair in the middle of a windowless concrete room. I was bound with silver, and I had some weird necklace around my neck. Fuck! What is going on? I wriggled my wrists, hoping to get free, but the silver burned my skin, causing me to hiss in pain.

I looked around for something to help me, but there was only another chair, a small table and a lamp in the room. Good job, Freja! What the fuck have you gotten yourself into now!

I sucked in a deep breath and began tugging at the silver chains hoping to slip my wrist out. I gritted my teeth and pushed through the pain. I tried to channel my wolf strength, but I couldn’t feel my wolf or hear her; something was disrupting my connection to her.

I kept tugging and tugging when I suddenly felt a pop. I screamed internally, realizing I had just dislocated my thumb, fuck! I slipped my wrist out, took a deep breath and popped my thumb back into place. Thank fuck, for adrenaline or else the pain would have been worse, especially with no werewolf abilities at the moment.

I heard footsteps and voices outside the door. I quickly put my hands behind my back, making it appear as if I was still bound.

The door opened with a bang, and in walked Demetrius, with a sly grin plastered on his stupid face.

He cocked a brow. “Oh, your finally awake, Mrs. Sleepy head.”

“Where the fuck am I?” I spat.

Demetrius tsked at me and waved his index finger. “Temper, temper. I suggest you cool that temper before he comes to greet you; he won’t be as kind towards you as I am.” He said in a severe tone.

I raised a brow. “Before who comes?” I asked hesitantly.

“Our coven leader, Lazarus.” He clasped his hands together. “He is absolutely dying to meet you.” Demetrius grinned.

I narrowed my eyes at him. “Well, I’m not so eager to meet him, and he will just have to wait.”

He tilted his head to the side. “Oh, and why is that?” He said with curiosity.

I leapt from my chair and darted towards Demetrius, but he quickly caught on and slammed me to the ground, knocking the wind from me. Demetrius then kicked me in the face and again in the stomach.

He laughed. “Nice try, sweetheart, but that lovely collar around your neck, makes you weak, vulnerable and renders your werewolf useless.”

He yanked me off the ground, causing me to let out a whimper of pain.

“Now, let’s go. Lazarus does not like to be kept waiting.”

We left the room, and Demetrius practically dragged me down a dark hallway. I glanced around as we walked, trying to look for anything that could be a way out or something I could use as a weapon, but Demetrius was moving too fast. We finally arrived at a metal door, and Demetrius knocked.

A low, deep voice came from the other side. “Enter.”

We walked into the dimly lit room, where two chairs and a desk were the only pieces of furniture. One of the chairs was occupied by a man; he appeared to be relatively older, his hair was a dirty grey, he had rugged facial features, bright red eyes and a large scar that trailed down the left side of his face. But, of course, my big mouth just couldn’t stay quiet.

I wrinkled my nose at his appearance. “Goddamn! Who fucked your ugly ass up?” I chuckled.

The man, who I presumed was Lazarus, rose from his chair and rounded the desk, coming face to face with me. He narrowed his eyes at me as his upper lip twitched and then slapped me across the face with so much force, I hit the floor like a sack of potatoes.

He glared down at me, snarling, “Get up! Sit down and shut the fuck up.”

I spit out a mouthful of blood. “You hit like a girl,” I said, laughing.

Lazarus grabbed my hair, almost pulling it out and brought my face to his. “One more remark like that, and you won’t live long enough to find out who gave me this scar.” He sneered at me.

I snorted. “You’re telling me I’ll miss the most boring story in history?”


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