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The Alphas prize novel Chapter 18

I was finally released from the hospital and feeling much better. The doctor told me I was healing at a tremendous rate and was lucky to be alive. She had wanted me to stay in the hospital for a while longer, but I argued against it. I needed out of there.

Cain took me to our room, so I could finally have a much, needed shower. I quickly jumped into the shower, instantly feeling relaxed and calm as the warm water cascaded down my body. I finally decided to get out of the shower, dressed, and walked into the bedroom where Cain was waiting.

He stood from the bed and approached me; his expression was angry yet filled with worry. “Don’t ever run from me again; you scared the shit out of me. I thought for sure I had lost you.” His tone was clipped.

Him saying this made me angry, and the memories of that night flashed before my eyes. I took a step towards him and pointed an accusatory finger at him. “I had good cause for running from you. I caught you having a make-out session with Eve; care to explain that?”

He pinched the bridge of his nose and rubbed the back of his neck. “I swear, Freja, I wasn’t doing it intentionally. Eve had asked to speak with me in private; I hesitated and should have listened to my gut. Instead, she took me by surprise and kissed me. That’s when you walked in, but it’s over between her and me. I have no feelings for Eve anymore, only you, and because of the stunt she pulled, she’s been banished from the pack.”

I took a step back, reeling in his words, and considered everything he said.

“Oh, I see. So then, why were you caressing her body? From my point of view, you seemed to be enjoying it.” I raised a questioning brow.

He groaned. “It was just a reaction, an instinct; I don’t fucking know. But it doesn’t matter anyway, as Eve means nothing to me.” Cain stepped closer to me. “When I found you, I thought you were dead, and my entire world was crumbling around me. Because you, Freja, are my world, no one else.”

I looked away from him, not knowing how to respond. I felt like he was telling the truth, but I was filled with doubt.

Cain cupped my chin, forcing me to look at him. He scanned my face with pleading eyes, but something in me just wasn’t ready to forgive and forget what he had done.

I swatted his hand away from me. “Just go be with Eve; she’s the one you really want, right? I snapped at him.

He growled, “No, she’s not, Freja. You’re the one I want.”

“Bullshit, just fuck off and leave me alone.” I hollered.

He gripped my throat lightly and pushed me into the wall. “NO!” Cain roared. “That’s it, I’ve fucking had it with this bullshit Freja, you are my fucking mate, I want you and only you. I am tired of you resisting our bond and pushing me away.” He snarled; the anger was now rolling off him in waves.

Cain then smashed his lips to mine, possessing my mouth with his and kissing me so hard that it hurt. Finally, he pressed himself closer to me, moulding his body into mine.

I reached up and slapped him across the face, and a dangerous growl erupted from his chest. Cain then gripped my wrists and dragged me to the bed, where he threw me down on my stomach.

I heard him removing his belt before tieing my hands together with it. I struggled, trying to roll over. “What the fuck are you doing?”

“Shut the fuck up!” He snapped.

He then ripped my pants off in one swift movement, along with my soaked panties. I didn’t understand why, but if I had to be honest with myself, this was turning me on so bad. Why was this turning me on? I scolded myself as I should be furious with him, not aching for him.

Cain slapped my ass hard, bringing me out of my thoughts, and I gasped at the sudden action. “Are you going to stop resisting me?” He asked.

“Hmm, let me think...nope. Because I don’t want you.” I lied.

He slapped my ass again, causing me to moan and writhe in pleasure.

Cain leaned down and brought his lips to my ear. “Really? because that’s not what your body says.” I could practically hear the cockiness in his tone, as he knew just what he did to me.

He reached between my thighs and ran his fingers across my swollen, soaked pussy. I sucked in a sharp breath and bit my bottom lip as my legs started to quiver from his touch.

“You are wet and aching for me, just as I am for you.” He pressed himself against my ass, allowing me to feel his hard cock. Fuck! I needed him badly.

Cain pulled me off the bed and turned me to face him. “Say it, Freja, say you want me.” He demanded.

I narrowed my eyes. “No, never.” I thrashed and wiggled in his hold, attempting to free myself from him and his belt, which still held my hands behind my back.

He roughly yanked my body against his and brushed those full, luscious lips against my ear. “Stop fighting this and give the fuck in already,” Cain whispered in a seductive yet authoritative tone.

I pulled away from him. “Just let me go already, and you can finally be with Eve; I know she is the one you truly want.” Why was I doing this to myself and him? I was beginning to feel like a childish moron.

“ENOUGH!” He boomed, “You are my fucking mate, not her, and for the last fucking time, I don’t want her, I want you!”

He declared, more like screamed at me, which caused me to stop and stare at him, and at that moment, something happened. A wall I had built, blocking him and everything out, came crashing down. I could see the honesty in his eyes, the want, the desire.

I finally realized that I was his mate, that I did want and need him. But I was going to make him pay for the other night cause, you know, I’m a petty bitch, who enjoys pissing him off.

I finally wiggled my hands out of his belt and slapped him again the moment I did. Cain’s head whipped to the side, and he slowly looked back at me before gripping the nape of my neck and kissing me deeply and aggressively. I kissed him back with just as much aggressiveness and desire. Finally, I jumped up and wrapped my legs around his torso. Cain gripped my thighs tightly as he laid us down onto the mattress.


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