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The Alphas prize novel Chapter 2

After erasing my insane thoughts, I stood up from the ground, remembering the howl released throughout the forest; my mind began to race with negative thoughts now. What if dad was hurt? What if Gunnar was hurt? I began to run as fast as my feet would take me, searching for familiar faces. Finally, I came to a sudden halt when I saw Erik's familiar and welcoming face!

I raced towards him and jumped into his arms. “Are you ok? Are you injured? Where are the others? Did the rogues retreat?”

He raised a finger and placed it on my lips, ceasing my rambling. He stared deep into my eyes with a half-smile; he then removed his finger and began to caress my cheek. I closed my eyes, leaning into his touch; he always knew how to calm my overactive nerves.

“I’m fine, Freja, a few scratches and bruises, but otherwise still alive.” He chuckled, and I breathed a sigh of relief.

“You are the first person I have found, and it seems as though the rogues have retreated, but I am not sure why?” I questioned aloud.

Erik looked away from me; a confused expression crossed over his face for a brief moment and then turned severe before turning back to me.

“We have to find the others and figure out what is going on,” He said in a severe tone.

We both stood there for a second, turning our full attention to our surroundings. Erik and I listened intently; after a moment, we heard faint voices in the distance to our left. We exchanged a nod and began running towards the voices.

After a brief distance, we located those who belonged to the voices. I frantically searched around for Gunnar and dad. As I scanned the crowds, I finally spotted Gunnar.

I looked at Erik. “I see Gunnar!” We both rushed in his direction.

Upon reaching Gunnar, he glanced at us both and relief washed over his face. I stood on my tippy toes and engulfed him in a big hug, to which he happily returned. Gunnar was a large and daunting man, but he had a soft spot for those he loved. He could be very playful at times, making jokes and pulling pranks, always trying to lighten the mood. Other times, he was earnest and played the role of Alpha all too well. Finally, releasing me, he glanced at Erik and nodded.

He turned his attention back to me. “Have you seen dad?” He asked me.

I shook my head. “No, I found Erik first, not far from here. We then came here, and I found you.” I replied, questioning whether or not I should tell him about my encounter with Cain yet.

He stood back and looked around, scanning the crowds to find our father or at least someone that may know more than we do.

After a moment, his eyes landed on something. “This way.” That was all he said before jogging off to his target, and we followed closely behind him. As we came to a stop, I realized who it was that he recognized, it was dad! I was so relieved to see him; I didn’t wait and rushed to him, then stopped a few inches from him.

He noticed me in front of him; his eyes widened, and he let out a relaxing sigh. Dad then closed the distance between us and wrapped me in that big teddy bear hug that only he could master and kissed the top of my head. “I am glad to see you both,” Dad said, looking between Gunnar and me.

Dad then released me from the hug and stood back. He looked to Gunnar. “The rogues have treated, any ideas as to why?” He asked my brother, who stood there with a blank face and a solemn demeanour.

“No, sir. I do not know why they retreated. After I heard the howl break through the forest, the rogues shortly after began to retreat.” He replied.

My father nodded his head. “Who was it that had howled?” He questioned.

Gunnar’s face turned grave, and a saddened expression was visible on his features. Oh no! “It was Mikael; he is dead.”

A small gasp escaped my mouth as I looked at my father, whose face looked so stricken. Mikael was my father’s Beta and his best friend. They were always there for each other through thick and thin. He was family to us, and his death….is devastating.

I walked over and hugged my father. He was slow to respond, seeming like he was in shock.

In a low tone, I whispered, “I’m so sorry, dad.” He didn’t respond, just hugged me a little tighter.

He let go after a moment, and there was no emotion on his face. Instead, he looked at my brother again. “We need to return home, and we need to find out why they retreated,” He said in a cold demeanour.

My brother nodded and then began to saunter off in the direction of the others, intent on informing them all to return home.

Dad then looked at Erik. “Get her home Erik, immediately!” He bellowed out.

Erik nodded. “Yes, Alpha.” He took my hand and then began to lead me back home.

We didn’t speak the entire walk home; the silence between us was eerily quiet. I wanted so badly to tell Erik about my encounter with Alpha Cain, but at the same time, I didn’t. I wasn’t sure why I didn’t want to either. Also, the news of Mikael was heartbreaking, and I wasn’t quite sure how to deal with it.

We finally had reached the house; I turned to him and gave him a quick, half-assed smile. I then began to turn to head towards the house, but he grabbed my wrist and stopped me in my tracks.

I looked at him, bewildered, and his facial expression was one of care, warmth and sympathy. He slowly pulled me into a hug; I closed my eyes and basked in his touch. He didn’t have to use words; this right here was enough to make me feel just a bit better.

He pulled back and engulfed me in a deep and passionate kiss. I’ve known Erik since we were kids and he is my best friend. Erik is an attractive man, 6’4, built, but not like the other males; he was lean and muscular but not toned; he had soft blue eyes and sandy brown hair that came past his ears.

Since I can remember, he and I have done almost everything together, and a month ago, we decided to take our friendship to the next level and date each other, although Erik and I aren’t mates.

Once we become of age, which is 18, the males are the ones who are made aware of and affected by the mate bond first. We females are gradually made aware of it. The male must grow the bond, and the female must willingly accept it.

Erik says he doesn’t feel anything similar to what has been described to us when it comes to the mate bond, and neither do I.

However, Erik and I developed feelings for each other, and because neither of us had found our mate yet, we decided to explore those feelings.

Everything has been going well, but deep down, we both crave that mate bond, and our wolves are uneasy about the whole situation.

He finally released me from his hold. “Do you want me to come in with you?” Erik asked.

I paused for a second, thinking it over. Then I nodded my head slowly, knowing deep down I needed him right now.


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