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The Alphas prize novel Chapter 20

Cain's eyes burned into mine as a devious smile placated his plump lips. I didn’t know what was in store for me, but I was excited to find out. Then, finally, he reared back and stood to his feet, then casually strolled into the closet. I continued to lay there, waiting for him to come back, but it had now been a few moments, and I started to wonder, what in the hell he was doing?

I stood up from the bed and crept towards the closet, trying to peek in as I got closer. Just as I was about to cross the threshold, Cain emerged from the closet. He grabbed me by the wrist and spun me around, slamming me face-first into the wall. Cain held my hands together behind my back before wrapping my hair around his other hand and tugging it back slightly.

His soft, plump lips brushed against my ear. “Did I say you could move?” He asked in a husky tone.

I bit my lower lip. “No, but I was becoming bored waiting for y….”

Cain cut me off by pulling my hair tighter and causing my head to jolt backwards. He then brushed his lips down my neck and nipped at my overly sensitive flesh, sending shivers throughout my body.

“You disobeyed me once again. I don’t like being disobeyed, and now you are going to be punished for that, Freja.” He whispered oh so sweetly.

My chest heaved, and my bottom lip quivered as the pool of wetness between my legs had now soaked through my panties.

Taking in a deep breath, I asked in a daring tone, “What’s my punishment?”

A rumble vibrated from his chest. “You’ll have to be a good girl and wait and see.” He whispered.

Cain released my hair, and I could feel him now binding my wrists together. After he bounded my hands, he tied a piece of silky material over my eyes, restricting my sight. The anticipation was now overwhelming as I waited for him to make his next move.

He turned me around so I was no longer facing the wall; his hands started to explore my body, touching every inch of me. Suddenly, Cain gripped my shorts and tore them from my body, causing me to gasp. His hands ran down the length of my body, going lower and lower. Cain’s hands were now firmly caressing my thighs as he nipped and kissed at my neck, making me moan and thrive within his hold.

Cain's grip tightened, holding me in place. “Don’t move and be quiet.” He said sternly.

I stilled myself, attempting to remain motionless and silent, but that was something that I wasn’t sure I would be able to do, especially with his touch. Cain continued to torture me; his hands slid up my thighs and to my ass, gripping it hard and possessively. His one hand then gripped the seam of my underwear and tore them from my body, making me shudder.

Cain tugged my lower half closer to him, then bit and licked at my sensitive flesh. His hand came around and reached between my thighs, Cain’s fingers then glided against my wet folds, and another shuddering breath escaped from my lips.

He continued gliding his fingers across my aching pussy, then slipped a finger inside of me, thrusting it in and out. I let out a lust-filled moan and writhed from his touch, but as I did, he removed his finger and stood up.

Cain gripped my hair firmly again. “I thought I told you not to move and to be quiet? You just don’t know when or how to behave, do you?” He asked in a teasing tone.

I shook my head. “No, I don’t. I guess you will just have to punish me some more.” I said seductively, then bit my lower lip.

Cain let out a low growl before releasing my hair and gripping my shirt, and tearing it from my body, leaving me completely exposed now.

He turned me around and pushed me against the wall, his erection pressing into my ass. His arm snaked around me, reaching up to clasp around my neck. Cain then tilted my head back and bit my neck before whispering. “Oh, I promise you, I will.” He said in a husky tone.

Cain pulled me away from the wall and threw me onto the bed. I could hear his large feet approaching the bed; then, he smacked me on the ass with something cold and hard.

I gasped loudly. “What the hell was that?” Whatever it was that Cain had smacked me with, it wasn’t his hand, and I was unsure of how I felt about it.

He smacked me again, a little harder this time. “Shut up!” His voice was growly now as he flipped me over and pulled me up into a sitting position. “Be a good girl for once and follow my orders.” I just smiled at him in response and mentally gave him the finger.

I heard his zipper undo, and the anticipation was consuming me now, waiting for his next move. I listened to the sound of him shuffling before Cain gripped my hair. “Open your mouth.” He demanded in a feral tone.

I tilted my head. “What?” I had never done anything like this before, and although it was turning me on, I was a bit nervous.

“Open your fucking mouth.” He growled out, his wolf now on the surface, as the lust and desire consumed him. My wolf damn near purred at his wolf's presence.

I opened my mouth, hesitantly and he eased his hard cock in, grazing my lips with his soft skin. I tried to rear back, but he only gripped my hair tighter and kept me in place. “Don’t move, or I’ll shove it all the way in and choke you.” It took me by surprise at the man-beast before me now. I hadn’t seen this dominant side to him before; it was a turn-on but also a bit intense.

I remained still and allowed him to continue easing himself into my mouth. I closed my lips around him and started to suck him harder, flicking my tongue over his tip. He released a satisfactory moan as he pushed himself farther in. I continued to suck his hard cock, lightly grazing my teeth along his length, feeling satisfactory when his body shivered. His moans and groans now filled the room as I took him deeper into my mouth.

Suddenly, he pulled out and pushed me onto the mattress. Cain then flipped me onto my stomach and pulled me down slightly, so my legs hung over the edge of the bed. He gently caressed my ass before giving it a hard smack. I gasped in pleasure, wanting, no craving more.

His large hands kneaded my ass before smacking it again. Cain then spread my legs as far apart as possible, using his knees. I writhed on top of the cool fabric, needing him inside of me. He slightly lifted my ass in the air before plunging into me.

Cain fucked me hard and deep, pounding into me at a dizzying speed. Finally, he pulled himself all the way out and smacked my ass once again before plunging back into me. He gripped my hair tightly, pulling my head back and entering me even deeper now.

I moaned and screamed his name loudly. “Fuck, Cain.” I bellowed out.

He flipped me over onto my back suddenly, then lifted my legs, putting them over his shoulder and leaned forward, placing his hands on either side of my head. Again, Cain entered me slowly, this time as his mouth devoured mine. My mind was racing with sexual ecstasy, it was foggy, and my head was starting to spin from the orgasm that was building with each thrust, pushing me closer to the edge.

My legs shook as he deepened himself. Cain then reared back slightly and placed his hands on my thighs, entering me deeper than I ever thought possible.

Cain’s thrusts were almost violent now, as he consumed my entire being and my climax hit me like a tidal wave. Then, just when I thought I was going to pass out, with one final thrust, Cain released himself inside of me.

We collapsed into each other, savouring the moment of pure bliss. After a few moments, Cain braced himself with his forearms, removed the blindfold and stared into my eyes with an infuriated expression. “Don’t ever go out alone again. Do you understand me?” His tone was laced with authority.

I sighed heavily. “Cain, I was fine; nothing happened to me.” I propped myself onto my elbows. “You don’t have to treat me like a china doll that will break or be destroyed at any given moment. If we are going to be mates and if I am to be Luna, then you need to see me and treat me as an equal.” I stood my ground.

He narrowed his eyes and stared at me for a beat. “I see you as my equal, but it is hard for me to treat you like one. My wolf drives me to protect you; it doesn’t matter to him what you say or how strong you are; his first and only priority is your safety.” He looked away from me and groaned. “There is a lot you don’t know about my wolf or me; maybe in time, you will.” He almost seemed as if he was ashamed, ashamed of the monstrous side of him.

I pursed my lips, knowing and understanding some of what he was saying, as I knew just how strong our wolves could overpower us. “I understand.” I said softly, “I just want to be able to roam around the grounds and such without an escort or being scolded for going out for a run. I know the woods are dangerous, but I didn’t go far.” I tried to reason with him.

Cain closed his eyes and inhaled, “I will try, but I can’t promise anything.” Then, he opened his eyes and stared into mine. “The minute I hear of anything that makes me uneasy, you will not go anywhere alone!” He had a brow raised, and Cain stared down at me with a “Don’t push me.” look etched into his features, causing me to chuckle internally.

I rolled my eyes. “Fine.” I thought it was cute, how dominant and protective he was, but also a bit much.


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