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The Alpha's Slave Mate novel Chapter 19

Chapter Nineteen


Caleb's Point of View


It felt like torture knowing waiting to see my mate. Even my wolf was pouting because we had to leave her side. I know that Hannah will take care of her though. Hannah was once a slave. Theo and I met her when she was younger. Theo would not leave her side until I had secured her purchase. Since that day Hannah has been like a little sister to both Theo and I. We were there with her when she first shifted, took her on her first run. We ensured that she excelled in school and that she did not want for anything. Hannah lived at our manor house.


“So, when will the mating ceremony be?” I forgot that Theo was in the room. “I am not sure. She still has not accepted that I am her mate. I know that Hannah adjusted well, but I think it is going to take Daphne a bit of time. Daphne was abused by her own parents; she has no value of her own self-worth. I practically had to beg her to even give us a chance.” Theo shook his head; he went through everything with Hannah so he could understand what was happening with Daphne.


“I believe everything will work out fine. You are right it is going to take her some time to adjust. Make sure that you are supportive of her growth. Do not push her too far as mates yet, although you will need to mark her as soon as possible. Completing the mark will take some time though.” Theo’s words rang true.


Finding my mate was just one step to ensuring that I did not turn feral. It would hold the feelings at bay for awhile but to stop the process completely I needed to mark her, and she needs to mark me. Acceptance as my mate will complete the bond between both myself and my wolf and the same with hers.


“Frankly speaking I know that she responds to my physically. Before you came back with Hannah, I was holding her in my arms. I believe that she may accept me as her mate soon. It will take some time for her to accept it completely, but the physical attraction is there. lam looking forward to the day that she accepts me both body and soul though.” I feel a pang of guilt saying the last part. I know that Theo is still torn up about his mate’s death. Now that Daphne has entered my life, the thought of losing her is unbearable.


Even thinking about it hurts my heart. “Tonight, she is going to be nervous. Perhaps you should get her a gift before the ball. A small token to welcome her into your life.” Thankfully, Theo is around to help me win Daphne's affection. I would not have thought of getting her a gift. Inod my head agreeing with him. °


We leave his room and head back out into the town. After walking a short way we came upon a small jewelry shop. Theo and I looked around that the baubles on display, some of them were very grand. I was not seeing anything that screamed Daphne's name. ° “Excuse me but do you have any more necklaces. I am looking for something for my mate, but so far nothing has really held my eye for too long.” The shop keep recognized me and informed me that he had a few things that he has not put out on display yet. He comes back out to the front with a medium stack of black velvet boxes.


The first couple of boxes he opened did not catch my eyes. We were down to the last two boxes when he finally opened the box that screamed my mate’s name. The necklace was simple but elegant. It was about eighteen inches in length, whisper think rose gold chain with small diamonds expertly lined all the way down to the teardrop diamond pendant. This was for Daphne. I knew that the color would compliment her eyes and her hair. I had the shop keeper wrap it up for me.


Heading back to the manor house we were informed that the Crest Line pack had arrived. I was excited to see Marcus again, but it was getting close to being time for the ball. Theo and I headed back to his room to get ready.


I had just put on my jacket when Hannah knocked on the door. She explained that Daphne was ready. I could tell that Hannah was excited for me to see her because she was extra bouncy. Hannah explained that she was going to go in first and then open the door so I could see her. Ichuckled a little at her adolescent drama, but I knew it was in good fun.


I was getting nervous waiting for Hannah to open the door. Would Daphne like my gift? Before I could ponder it much farther, Hannah opened the door.


Daphne was by the French doors with the sunset pouring in on her. She looked amazing. The sun highlighted her dress to where it almost looked like a small fire was surrounding her. Her hair was part of the way pulled up, with beautiful soft curls framing her face.


The dress hugged her curves and showed just enough cleavage to tease me all night long. I could not turn my eyes from her, she was like an angel. Finally, my voice came back to me. “ Wow you look amazing.” I walked to be in front of her still not able to tear my eyes from her. AsI got closer, I could see that the girls put makeup on her. Her eyes were glowing, and I had to touch her. I cupped her cheek running my hand along her jaw line. My mate was amazing.


“I got you a small gift. 1 was hoping that you would wear it tonight.” I reached into my breast pocket and pulled out the velvet box handing it to her.


“Thank you Alpha, no one besides my sister and Luna Alma have ever gotten me a gift before.” I could see that she was trying not to tear up as she removed the small bow. I could hear Hannah shuffling the other girls out of the room, while Daphne was opening the necklace. I would have to thank her later for her act of kindness.

“Please call me Caleb. I know you don’t think that we are mates yet, but I would really like it if you called me Caleb.” She finally got the bow off the box and was opening it.


“Oh, my stars, this is gorgeous. I can't take this Alpha, I mean Caleb. It must have cost a fortune.” Daphne’s words are tumbling out of her mouth like she can not stop them from coming.


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