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The Alpha's Slave Mate novel Chapter 25

Chapter Twenty-Five


Daphne's Point of View


The first thing I noticed when I woke up was a strange arm around me. My breath froze in my lungs, I refused to move until I could piece together what was going on. Then yesterday came flooding back to me Everything all at once, being sold, learning that Caleb thinks I am his mate, going to the ball, and then breaking down in front of Caleb. Remembering the last part of the night makes my face flame in embarrassment.


Turning my head slightly I can see that it is Caleb’s arm around me, and he is still asleep. Taking advantage of the moment, I watch the steady rise and fall of his chest. His face is so relaxed he almost appears boyish. Caleb was truly a gentleman; he had tucked me into the bed under the covers and he slept on top of the covers. I appreciate his thoughtfulness.


A few stray hairs have fallen over his forehead, and I have the strange want to brush them away from his face. He is sleeping on his side with his legs slightly bent, and one hand under his head. Caleb is downright sexy when he is awake but seeing him so vulnerable when he is sleeping is adorable. His arm around my waist feels natural and I really want to snuggle in deeper to him, but I resist the urge.


I wonder if it is true that Caleb is my mate. I wonder if that is why Iam having all these new feelings and emotions. I wish Scarlet were here so that I could ask her. It is frustrating that Caleb is so sure that I am his mate and I have no idea if he is mine.


I take a deep breath and do an honest analysis of my own feelings. I know that I feel a physical pull towards Caleb.


I know that he is the one man that I have been near that has made my nipples hard. I know that I am grateful to him for making me a part of his pack and providing a way for me to leave my parents. I know that I find his scent intoxicating, and if I could I would bottle it up as a perfume. I like that he is kind and understanding. I know that I feel safe when I am with him. °


Safe, now there is a word that I have not used very often in my life. I know that Scarlet loved me, or at least cared about me. She was kind and helpful and found ways to make my life better, but I can not say that she made me feel safe. Caleb makes me feel safe, like nothing bad can happen while I am with him. The burning question in my mind stays the same though, is he really my mate?


Would the Moon Goddess really pair such a powerful Alpha, with a slave girl? I would imagine that the Moon Goddess would have paired him with someone like Scarlet, or Heather. Just thinking Heather’s name brings back the rage I felt when she tried to touch him.


“Why are you scowling so early?” Caleb’s husky voice brings me back to the present. My face flushes red with embarrassment as I look over and see he has opened his eyes and is staring at me. -


“I was not scowling, I was thinking.” I tell him in the best no nonsense voice I can muster. Caleb just chuckles and pulls me closer into his chest. I can hear his heart beating steadily. I inhale deeply enjoying being this close to him. My wolf is purring.


Caleb shifts more onto his back and wraps his arm around my shoulders pulling my head onto his chest. I can feel his muscles under his shirt and admire that he is so physically fit. Ican feel Caleb bend his head and kiss the top of my head. I wish time could freeze right now, that we can stay in this moment forever.


“How much stuff do you have to pack up?” Caleb’s voice is more normal now that he is waking up more.


“I do not have much, some clothes. I would like to take my book if I can.” I look up at him questioning if I can bring it with me. I love reading and my  book is just getting to the good part.


“That's it?” Caleb's brow is furrowed as he questions if that is all I am bringing with me.


“Ido not own much, but yes I would like to bring the few books I have.” Caleb is quiet for a moment, and I wonder what he is thinking. “You can bring whatever you want with you. I want to leave before noon if possible, I have a meeting with Alpha Jason this morning. We have a lot of work to get done when we get home, and I would like to set a date for our mating ceremony.” As Caleb starts talking, I can see the shift in his attitude. He is ready to get down to business.



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