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The Alpha's Slave Mate novel Chapter 33

Chapter Thirty-Three


Caleb’s Point of View


Waking up and realizing that Daphne Was not by my side was one of the scariest moments of my life. After last night I was sure that she had left me. I have gotten used to waking up with her in my arms, not having her there was alien feeling and I hated it. I jumped out of bed mind linking Theo, demanding him and the elite squad of warriors out front now. Theo kept asking what was wrong, but I was too frazzled to answer him.


Rushing out of my room Theo met me before I hit the front door. “Caleb is there a security breach?” Theo is ready for an all-out war. *


“She is gone.” It is all I can get out reaching for the door handle. Theo stops me, and physically steps in front of me blocking me from leaving the house.


“Stop and explain to me the situation. You look half crazy, and you cannot address our people like this.” Rationally I know that Theo is telling the truth, but in my head at this moment the truth does not matter. The only thing that matters is finding her, making sure she is ok, beginner her to come home. 7 Taking a deep breath, I try to reign in my emotions. “Daphne is gone, I woke up and she was just gone. I need to find her and make sure that she is ok.”


“It is possible that she is already in the training grounds, or simply grabbing coffee in the café. You need to calm down, control your emotions, and we will find her.” Theo’s words give me a glimmer of hope. I do feel a little calmer and I feel like Iam more in control of myself.


“You are right, but I will not be happy until I know for sure that she is safe."I do not want to tell Theo about last night. I do not want to tell my best friend, the person that has been with me through every success and tragedy that I am failing my mate. I do not want to reveal to him that I am pretty sure that Iam the reason she is gone. Iam ashamed with myself. |


With Theo by my side we exit the house. I can not stop pacing on the front steps as Theo speaks to my most experienced warriors. He is telling them that Daphne is missing and that we need to find her. He is covering my ass and telling them that she could be lost since she is new here. Finally, I address them, explaining that she must be found, but I do not want to scare her.

Aslam explaining that I want them to mind link me immediately with the coordinates once she is found, I feel

Theo tapping on me. I ignore him wrapped up in talking with the walriors, so he grabs me and physically turns me so that I am looking towards the training grounds.


My eyes hone in on her, walking up to the house a questioning look in her eyes. She is here, in one-piece, unharmed walking with a bounce in her step. She takes my breath away and an ocean of emotions is rolling through me faster than I can process them. I am happy, excited and astounded that she is still here. Iam also mad that she is walking like nothing is wrong while l am here pacing feeling like my world is collapsing and nothing will ever be the same again. In the end I just need to feel her next to me, I jump down off the steps running to her crushing her in my arms. I am still in disbelief that she is here, she did not leave me.


I am apologizing to her as fast as I can.

She must tap me for me to realize that I am hugging her too tight. I am just elated that she has stayed. I still have time to prove to her that I can be better.


As she explains that she went for a run, I am embarrassed over how much I overreacted. It also astounds me that I know her so little. I dismiss the Walrlors, again embarrassed at how worried I was. I cannot stop touching Daphne and hold her hand as we walk in the house.


Daphne lets me know that she is going to go shower, and I have to fight the urge to follow her just so I can be in her presence. Knowing that Daphne expelled a lot of calories while running, I assume that she is going to be hungry soon, so I head to the kitchen. AsI pull the egg carton out of the fridge it dawns on me once more how little I know my mate. I do not know if she likes scrambled eggs, poached eggs, fried eggs, or even if she really likes eggs at all. I feel like I should know this kind of thing. As I whisk the eggs, I am hoping that she likes them scrambled with cheese. I throw on some bacon, because who does not like bacon, and make some toast too. I know it is not much but hopefully she will like it. »


Daphne is surprised to see that I made her breakfast, but happy at the same time. It really drives home the fact that I have not been spending time with her. I want to make her happy, so today she gets to choose whatever she wants to do together. I watch her as we eat, pleased that she seems to like breakfast. I enjoy that she has filled out some since coming home and has put on some muscle. It reminds me of how much she is changing.


She is simply stunning in jeans, a short top that keeps playing peek a boo with her stomach, and a flannel over top.

She simply looks like a fall angel, and I can not stop looking at her. Would she believe me if I told her that I still get butterflies every time I look at her? My staring has made her nervous and she wipes at her face as if she had something on it. °


I finally ask her what she wants to do today, and she says that she wants to play a game. I had not heard of twenty questions before but as she explains the game, I am only too happy with her choice. This will be an excellent opportunity to learn more about her, and to bring up our mating ceremony. I love seeing this playful side of Daphne. Her smile is more beautiful than a full moon in spring. I have to fight my desire to pull her upstairs and do wicked things with her body.


I am excited as 1 am changing to go out with Daphne about the game. I want to know everything about her, the good and the bad. I am a little apprehensive about the questions she may ask but I know that I will answer them truthfully. 


Getting downstairs we play a game of rock, paper, scissors to see who will go first. 1 win, and 1am so happy that I get to begin with asking the questions. I grab her hand and we start walking through the town at a lazy pace. :


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