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The Alpha's Slave Mate novel Chapter 36

Chapter Thirty-Six


Caleb’s Point of View


Today with Daphne could not have gone better. Surprisingly even with our afternoon romp! learned a lot of new information about my mate. For years I have coveted a love like that of which my parents had. I feel like Ican

eventually have that kind of relationship with Daphne. It gives me hope for a great future. I can vision us growing old together and watching our grandchildren run around the yard one day. Walking into the house, Theo is already waiting for me to give me the report. I know that nothing is wrong because if there was a crisis, he would have mind linked me to come home immediately. Daphne heads into the kitchen to make some dinner and I have news to tell Theo as well. Since Daphne has finally committed to a time frame for the mating ceremony there is a lot of things that I must get prepared beforehand. ~


“I have some interesting news to share with you.” I can tell by the way Theo is cocking his head to the side that I will like the news he has to share with me. I nod at him to continue. I want to have his full attention when I let him know about the ceremony. “We have three pups in the young training class that are showing peculiar talents. If you add those three, with the two that we have in the junior class than it appears that our offspring are showing evolutionary growth.”


I understand fully what Theo means when he says that we have some pups with peculiar talents. I noticed a few years back that certain werewolves have additional talents outside of being a shifter. Hannah is one of our wolves with a peculiar talent, she can instantly calm and mostly heal any injured animal. One of my elite soldier Brandon can summon fire in the palm of his hand. There is a wolf in our junior academy that can revive dead plants or make living plants bloom faster than they should be able to. 7


Neither I nor Theo have heard of any other packs having members with peculiar talents. We have been trying to figure out why it seems that our pack members are producing offspring like this. One theory we have is that it is an evolutionary thing, simply our genes evolving. Another theory we have produced is that it has something to do with the location of our land, although we have taken several soil tests and have not come up with anything strange or unusual. Hannah theorized that it was the work of a witch that has blessed our pack. No matter what the cause behind it is, we love having wolves with peculiar talents among us. In fact, Theo helps cultivate their talents, working with specialists in every field to develop lesson plans and training that will help promote and possibly grow these talents. °


“Theo are you sure that there are three new ones, and in the younger class at that?” Ican not help but be skeptical. With the wolves we have discovered in the past, they were all above puberty and had already gone through with their first shift. Our younger class pups are between five and nine years old, too young to have gone through with their first shift.


“Yes, Caleb I am positive about two of them at least, I have a strong suspicion of the third. I did not know if I should mention it, but we may also have a fourth, and I have been detecting a fifth.” Theo’s words absolutely floor me, and my mind is spinning in circles. I long ago theorized that Theo himself is one of our talented wolves, he is the main one that has discovered our other talented wolves sometimes before they even discover themselves.


“Well do not make me wait any longer, what new talents are showing up?” 1 am excited for my pack this is an amazing opportunity.



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